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Letter Of Endorsement: D. Linnetz For Gilson, Plante & Vouros



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To the Editor:

I’m writing in support of three Board of Education candidates: Chris Gilson, Alison Plante and John Vouros and I hope you will support them too.

These candidates have shown:

*They will uphold the oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Connecticut” and to “honestly, faithfully, and impartially discharge my duties as a school board member to the best of my ability.”

*They will seek to understand and support the needs of all members of our school community.

*They can and will work collaboratively with our school district’s administration to meet the needs of our students, staff and educators.

*Their approaches demonstrate listening, compassion and inclusiveness.

*They understand what community leadership means in how they conduct themselves in all settings.

*They are authentic and caring and do not seek their roles with an agenda or an interest in forcing personal preferences on others.

With two school-aged children in Newtown Public Schools I am acutely aware of the importance of who serves on the Board of Education. We can look at what the community experienced this past spring related to the book challenges at Newtown High School as an example of the impact the Board of Education’s conduct can have on our entire community.

Election Day is November 7 – Please vote and please support Chris, Alison and John!

Thank you,

Doria Linnetz


A letter from Doria Linnetz.
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