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Letter Of Endorsement: Florentino For Landy



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To the Editor:

I am writing to endorse Jim Landy for Legislative Council in District 1 of Newtown.

I have known Jim for several years and he is not only a devoted advocate for our community, but also exemplifies the values of family, love for Newtown, and upstanding, personable qualities.

Jim Landy has shown an extraordinary dedication to preserving our town’s history, culture, and natural beauty. Whether it’s his volunteer role as a Board Member on the Fairfield Hills Commission, working to promote new businesses in town, fighting for parental / family rights, participating in town clean-up efforts, or engaging in constructive conversations about Newtown’s housing / traffic concerns, Jim Landy is always at the forefront, ready to contribute and always looking for ways to have a positive impact on our community.

Jim’s background in investigations and compliance gives him experience to research, analyze, and understand the issues at hand, ensuring that his decisions are well-informed and yield positive results. His commitment to fairness is unwavering, and he has a proven track record of making impartial decisions that benefit the greater good. He genuinely cares about the well-being of his community, as Jim Landy’s compassion drives him to work tirelessly for the betterment of the community, leaving no one behind. Jim is a great communicator who’s able to convey his point of view with clear and concise goals and objectives.

In conclusion, Jim Landy embodies the leadership qualities we need in Newtown: a strong and decisive leader who is someone willing and able to make a positive impact in Newtown!


Don Florentino


A letter from Don Florentino.
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