Feeling Vindicated
Published: Jul 18, 2024 3:10 pm
To the Editor:
It was rich to see the Republican National Convention enthusiastically “boo” the appearance of Senator Mitch McConnell in its assembly. I’m formerly a registered Republican, but now an Independent. In the moment when Senator Mitch nixed the possibility of President Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court to proceed even to consideration, I determined that it would take the movement of heaven and earth to make me ever again vote for a Republican for any office up or down the slate, nationally or locally. And now … the Supreme Court is as it is. I’m vindicated.
Bill Flammann
Sandy Hook
A letter from Bill Flammann.
Rule of law as written by the framers is what the Supreme Court bases their opinions not emotion or popular opinion.
I think the common wisdom is that it was playing dirty ball to deny Obama from the nominating process. As a result we diminished women/family choice and lost support for the Supreme Court. In the end I think it hurt the Republican Party.