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Second Company Governor's Horse Guard Annual Training



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Second Company Governor’s Horse Guard Annual Training

The Second Company Governor’s Horse Guard (2GHG) spent the week of August 9–13 in annual training at Camp Rell in Niantic. The entire troop, mounts, tack, feed, and mess supplies were moved by convoy to Camp Rell on August 8. Troopers stayed in barracks and the horses enjoyed a fenced-off field for grazing. Troopers had been practicing using a picket line to groom and tack horses, so that feeding, grooming, and tacking went smoothly. The 2GHG members returned on August 14.

Troopers spent the week practicing for squad competitions and attended special training at the Fire Arms Training Simulation building and completed first aid and diversity classes. They visited Camp Harkness, which is for children and adults with disabilities, at Harkness Memorial State Park in Waterford, as 2GHG members have done since 1981. Troopers performed a Cavalry Drill, and then provided “pony rides” on the mounts. Third Squad, led by Sergeant Kim Abate, won the competition, which included mounted and dismounted drill, and also a barracks inspection.

Brigadier General Steven Scorzato, assistant adjutant general of the Connecticut National Guard, visited the troop as members were preparing to return home; and on August 10, Camp Rell Base training site manager, Major Thomas Bordner, enjoyed a ride on Patton. In addition, State Representative DebraLee Hovey visited the troop.

2GHG Troopers participate in ceremonial events including parades, gubernatorial inaugurals, and other events at the order of either the governor or the adjutant general. Upcoming events include the Newtown Labor Day Parade, the Annual Open House on September 12, and Governor’s Day parade at the Big E on September 22. Visit the website www.thehorseguard.org for more information.

The troopers and mounts of the 2GHG remain, as always, “Ready to Serve.”

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