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Congress Does Not Care About Liberty And Freedom



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Congress Does Not Care About

Liberty And Freedom

To the Editor:

Our country was founded as a Constitutional Republic. Our current two-party system is owned and controlled by the global elite. It is a false left-right paradigm created to give the illusion of choice. Both parties are representing the banking cartel, not the American people, and are stealing our money and our sovereignty. Congress does not care about liberty and freedom, only their lust for power. Congressmen have taken an oath to uphold and obey the constitution but they trample on it everyday. They are deluded into thinking they are benefiting the masses but in fact they are enslaving them. Some people would give their freedom away to be taken care of by the government, but those people will always be dependent and have their incentives for creativity diminished. The rest of us are burdened with unnecessary and unconstitutional taxes which aid in the destruction of our economy. The same principles of corruption against our freedoms trickle down to every state and town.

Last week on the Alex Jones Show, I listened to an interview with Debra Medina, candidate for Texas state governor. She was a breath of fresh air. This candidate understands and respects the US Constitution as well as her state constitution. If elected, she will eliminate all property taxes that make us tenants with an ever-growing rent and she will support the right to bear arms. Property rights and the right to self defense are the essence of a free society. She will also nullify all encroachments by the federal government where it has overstepped the federal and state constitutions. If she were elected, Texas would be a beacon of freedom for the rest of the United States.

The John Birch Society, www.jbs.org., has a DVD entitled America that very clearly explains what it means to have a constitutional republic and how rare freedom throughout history has been. Alex Jones, www.infowars.com has just released his latest DVD, Fall of the Republic, which documents how our government has fallen into the hands of a corrupt banking cartel. This documentary can be viewed for free online or it can be purchased at www.infowars.com and copied to give to others. Four times a week Judge Napolitano (no relation to Janet Napolitano) streams an internet TV broadcast, at www.freedomwatchfox.com about our eroding freedoms by big government. Support Ron Paul, www.ronpaul.com in ending the Federal Reserve, the nucleus of the corruption. Please view Lord Monckton, former adviser to Margaret Thatcher at www.globalclimatescam.com as he warns America of the impending loss of US sovereignty with the signing of a purposeless treaty in Copenhagen this December. A link to the treaty exists on this website also. We are heading into a world government that is unelected and unaccountable whose agenda is to deindustrialize the West and create neofeudalism. It will be the most hard core bondage the world has ever seen.

Babette Lagnese

9 Pebble Road, Newtown                                     November 4, 2009

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