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Contact Margo Deselin

203-241-5525; Mdeselin@gmail.com

Devotional meetings; spiritual discussion meetings; discussions of social issues from a spiritual perspective. The meetings are held at various locations in Newtown. Call for meeting locations or questions.



85 Mt Pleasant Road at Tory Lane

203-426-6300 or 203-426-0651


Reverend Rob Morris

The 25th Sunday after Pentecost will be celebrated at the 10:30 am service November 18. Sunday school and adult bible study begin at 9 am. Chorus rehearsals on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm. LWML Mite Box Sunday is the first Sunday of every month. Calendar includes: Wednesday, Nov 21, Thanksgiving Eve service at 7.




16 Saw Mill Road, Newtown; 203-438-2881

www.LDS.org or www.Mormon.org

Family History Center (203-426-1752)

Bishop Brett Keller (203-438-2881)

Sunday Sacrament Meeting, 9 am; Sunday School (ages 12–adult) and Primary School (ages 18 months–11), 10:15 am; Priesthood, Relief Society and Young Women meeting, 11 am; teenagers’ activities, Wednesday 7:30 pm. The Women’s Organization sponsors classes on topics dealing with the family and homemaking, most months on second Thursday, 7 pm; call church office for schedule and topics. The Family History Center (203-426-1752) is open Tuesday through Thursday evenings and on Saturday. Contact the church office (Sundays, 203-426-8408) for updated schedule.


Connections Church

Edmond Town Hall, Newtown

203-405-3212; connectionsct.org

Pastors Rocky and Bobbi Veach

Interdenominational evangelical church services Sundays at 10 am and Wednesday at 7 pm. Children’s program available on Sundays. Congregants are encouraged to know God and make Him known to others. This Sunday, November 18, Pastor Rocky will preach on “Learn How to Train Your Spirit.”



Meets at Edmond Town Hall

45 Main Street

(Old Courtroom), Newtown

Contact Richard Lawson, 203-417-8434


Eckankar means “Co-worker with God” and offers simple daily spiritual exercises to explore your own unique and natural relationship with the Divine. The ECK worship service, which is the first Sunday of each month at 11 am, includes music and discussion of a spiritual quote followed by fellowship and refreshments. An introductory book discussion, “The Call of Soul,” meets the third Sunday of every month at 11 am.



Meets at

113 Church Hill Road, Sandy Hook

Pastor Tim Kuhn; PT@FaithatNewtown.org

203-364-1448; www.FaithAtNewtown.org

Sunday worship service 10 am. Small group Bible studies in homes. Teen and family activities, ladies’ knitting group, summer concerts and Vacation Bible School. “We study the Bible verse by verse, and apply it to everyday living.”



27 Roxbury Road

(corner of Routes 6 & 67)

Southbury; 203-262-1944

Sunday services and Sunday School (for up to age 20; small Bible-Lesson discussion groups for teens), 10–11 am. . The subject of the November 18 Bible Lesson-Sermon is “Soul and Body” Golden Text- II Corinthians 6:16 ye  “. . . ye are the temple of the living God.” Wednesdays from 7:30 to 8:30 pm there are readings from the Bible and the Christian Science textbook Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, followed by testimonies of healing through prayer. Visitors can expect a respectful, warm welcome. Calendar includes: Thanksgiving Day Service on Thursday, November 22, 10–11 am, Golden Text: Malachi 3:10 “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”



466 Elm Street, Monroe; 203-268-7596

Reverend Ned McMillen

Sunday worship services with Holy Communion at 8 and 10:30 am, and Christian education for ages 4–adult at 9:15 am. Nursery service is available. On Thursdays, Bell Choir at 6:45 pm, Choir at 7:30 pm.


Grace Family Church

174 Mt Pleasant Road; 203-270-1005; gracect.org

Reverend Barry Fredericks,

Senior Pastor

Reverend Sheila Fredericks,

Senior Associate Pastor

Reverend Adam Fredericks,

Children & Youth Pastor

Reverend John Barago,

Associate Pastor

The Reverend Jim Hockaday, an anointed teacher of the Gospel, will be visiting Grace Family Church this weekend, presenting services Saturday, November 17, at 7 pm, Sunday at 8:30 and 10:15 am and 7 pm, and Monday at 10 am and 7 pm. Wednesday evening service, 7 pm; weekly healing service, Thursday 1 pm; monthly healing service, fourth Wednesday 7 pm; The Haven (young adult/college ministry), first Sunday of each month, 6 pm; Quarterly Ladies’ Fellowship, call for dates and times; Men’s Fellowship, Men’s Breakfast of Champions, first Saturday of the month, 8 am. Saturday Bible Blast, held quarterly for children ages 4–12; U-Nite for Junior High Youth, third Friday evening; Youth Discipleship Class, Wednesday 7 pm.



Meets at 2 Stony Hill Road

(Scalzo Building, lower level), Bethel

Ernestine Urquhart, Pastor; 203-426-4338

This nondenominational Christian church meets Sundays, 10:30 am–1 pm, for morning worship, with fellowship immediately following the service. Additional programs and services include: The Lion of Judah Reach Out Ministry, which helps men and women and teens transition from prison life to society; shelter for battered and abused women; housing for ex-offenders and battered women. Lion of Judah Reach Out Ministry also provides counseling and clothing for teens and adults. A drill team for teens, including musical instruments, is also available for teens. Volunteers welcome. Women’s Group meets Wednesdays and Fridays 7 to 9 pm.



Meets at Newtown Meeting House,

 31 Main Street (at the flagpole)

Newtown; 203-770-3745; www.NewHope-cc.com

Reverend James A. Solomon, Pastor

Kevin & Valorie Delp, Youth Leaders

First service at new location this Sunday, November 18, at 10:30 am.



35 Sugar Street (Route 302); 203-426-6484


Reverend Joey Newton, Pastor

Newtown Bible Church is a Bible-centered New Testament church that focuses on exalting God through the clear exposition of His inspired word (2 Tim. 3:16). Members strive to go beyond understanding it intellectually, to also have a heart for God and live changed lives as a result (Eph. 4:11–13). Sunday services begin with Fellowship at 9:30 am, Sunday School at 9:45 (with classes for all ages), worship service at 10:45 (nursery and children’s service is provided). Other services and opportunities include Prayer Meetings Wednesday, 7 pm at the pastor’s home (parsonage); Men’s meetings the first and third Saturday at the church; Women’s Bible Study, Tuesdays 7 pm, and Women’s Fellowship, fourth Saturday of the month, 9 am at Panera Bread (Sand Hill Plaza). Regular events include Vacation Bible School, Fellowship dinners after service the first Sunday of the month, other events and ministries.



A member of the United Church of Christ

14 West Street; 203-426-9024;


Reverend Matthew S. Crebbin,

Senior Minister

Reverend Janice Touloukian,

 Associate Minister

Allysa De Wolf, Yale Divinity Student Intern

Philip Crevier, Organist

Donna Edwards, Music Program Director

Sunday worship service at 10 am, November 18 will include a message from Rev Matt Crebbin. Rev Janice Touloukian will assist. The children begin in worship and continue on to Small Chapel and Church School. High School youth are encouraged to participate in the Gathering from 10 to 11:30 am. Following the service, the Confirmation class will meet with Rev Crebbin in the church library. The Newtown Interfaith Clergy Association invites everyone to an Interfaith Thanksgiving Worship Service at 7 pm in the sanctuary of Trinity Episcopal Church, with a reception to follow. Cornerstone Thrift Center, located in the lower level of the church, is open Tuesday through Friday 11 am to 4 pm, and Saturday 11 am to1 pm.



210 Sugar Street, Newtown;

203-426-6189; www.NewtownCC.org

Jack Tanner, Minister

Ron Malin, Treasurer

Bill Hemby, Church Elder

Sunday, Bible School for all ages, 8:45 am; Worship Celebration, 10 am (children’s worship available for children through grade 6). Small groups are held in members’ homes; call church office for times and locations. The congregation is a fundamental Bible teaching group that is locally autonomous. NCC is patterned after the church described in the New Testament. Annual events include special events during December, Vacation Bible School, and other events during the year.



92 Church Hill Road, Sandy Hook

Reverend Mel Kawakami, Senior Pastor

Reverend Jane Sibley,

Minister of Visitation & Spiritual Growth

Reverend E. Sue Klein, Deacon

203-426-9998; FAX 203-426-0865;

NewtownOffice@sbcglobal.net; www.NUMC.us

Sunday, November 18 is Safety Sunday with single service at 10 am, followed by our Fried Turkey Extravaganza; bring a side dish. Children’s Sunday school during the service; adult Bible study at 9 am. Hymn of the Month is “For the Fruits of this Creation,” No. 97. Calendar includes: Saturday, Nov 17, Men’s Breakfast Meeting in Rauner Hall 7:15–9 am;



A United Church of Christ

693 South Britain Road (Rte 172),

South Britain;

203-264-5890; SouthBritainChurch.org

Reverend Shannon Rye Wall, Pastor

Worship service at 10 am Sunday, November 18. Children will begin in worship and escorted to Sunday school at 10:15. Nursery care available; coffee hour following the service. Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of every month.



423 Main Street, Monroe; 203-268-9680

Kevin Merritt, Pastor

Jesse Wood, Youth Minister

One Sunday service at 10 am. Wednesdays, “The Gathering,” dinner and fellowship at 6 pm, teaching at 7 for adults, youth (middle and high school) and children, $5 or $20 max/family.



111 Peter Road, Southbury; 203-264-6446; www.StJamesCT.org

Pastor Scott Nessel

Sunday School for all ages and Bible Study at 9 am, worship at 10:15. St James is an Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA).



 5 Washington Avenue (Route 34),

Sandy Hook; 203-426-9938


Reverend Mark Moore

Bruce Moulthrop, Warden

Sunday service 9:30 am (Holy Eucharist). St John’s is a small, traditional, catholic worshipping community. It has a rich legacy of service to the community and is home to community groups such as AA and FAITH Food Pantry, an ecumenical ministry that distributes to those in need on an emergency basis. Hours are Tuesday 10 am to noon, and Thursday 6 to 7:30 pm.



46 Church Hill Road

 203-426-1014; www.StRoseChurch.com

Monsignor Robert E. Weiss, Pastor

Reverend J. Ignacio Ortigas,

 Parochial Vicar

Reverend Luke Suarez, Parochial Vicar

Norm Roos, Deacon

Daniel O’Connor, Deacon

Richard Scinto, Deacon

Kenneth Stroud, Deacon Emeritus

Weekday Masses, 6:45 and 9 am; Saturday Masses, 8 am, 4 and 5:30 pm; Sunday Masses 7:30, 9, 10:30 am and noon. Confessions on Saturdays 3 to 4 pm or by appointment. Holy Day Vigil, 7:30 pm; Holy Day Masses, 6:45 and 9 am, and 5:30 and 7:30 pm. Calendar includes: Friday, Nov 16, Bingo night in the school’s Gathering Hall. Doors open at 5:45, and games run from 6:30 to 9:30; the evening will feature substantial cash prizes for all games, as well as door prizes. Dinner items and homemade baked goods will be available for purchase; free coffee will also be served. Admission is $17 per person, which covers all regular and some special games. Call 203-426-5102 with questions.



36 Main Street; 203-426-9070;


Reverend Kathleen E. Adams-Shepherd, Rector

John Satula,

 Assistant to Rector for Youth Ministries

Thomas Mariconda, Deacon

Sue Vogelman, Church School Director

Fiona Smith Sutherland,

Music Minister/Organist & Choirmaster

Sunday, November 18, traditional language service at 7:30 am, Holy Eucharist at 8:45 and 11 am (contemporary language), 10 am church school and adult education. Wednesday night, Holy Eucharist and healing at 7:15.



24 Clapboard Ridge Road, Danbury

203-798-1994 (main office)

or 203-790-1996 (DRE office); www.uuDanbury.org

Reverend Barbara Fast, Pastor

Darlene Anderson-Alexander,

Director of Religious Education

Sherry Kyriacou, Office Manager

Two services Sunday, November 18, at 9 and 11 am themed  We Gather Together with Rev Barbara Fast, Darlene Anderson-Alexander & Friends. All the generations of UUCD will celebrate the season with worship, stories, a cornucopia of thank yous, our traditional cornbread and cider communion and bountiful choral vocals.



21 West Whisconier Road, Brookfield;

203-775-2624; www.Danbury.org/vpc

Reverend Adele Crawford, Pastor

The Rev Adele Crawford will present the morning message at the 10 am worship service Sunday, November 18. Sunday school for the elementary grades starts after the children’s sermon. Middle school and high school start their classes after the sermon. Child care is provided during the worship and Sunday school time. Adult Sunday school is at 9 am with a study of “A Living Faith” as found in the teachings from the books of the Psalms, 1 Corinthians, Hebrews, and Acts. The adult midweek Lectionary Bible study meets each Tuesday evening, 7:30 to 9 pm, all are invited to attend for coffee, snacks, fellowship, and study.



156 Walnut Hill Road, Bethel;

 203-796-7373; www.WalnutHillCC.org

Reverend Dr Clive Calver, Senior Pastor

Worship services Saturday 5 pm; Sunday 8, 9 & 11 am and 6:30 pm. Also Brazilian service, in Portuguese, 7 pm. Check website for special events, etc.





444 Main Street North, Southbury;

203-267-3394; www.BnaiIsraelSouthbury.org

 Rabbi Eric Polokoff

Shabbat evening services Friday 7:30 and all Jewish holidays.



115 Huntingtown Road

(mailing address is PO Box 623, Newtown)

203-426-5188; www.CongAdathIsrael.org

Rabbi Shaul Praver

Andrew Paley, President

Bonnie Goldstein, Sisterhood

Kim Danziger, Men’s Club

Friday Evening Services, 7:30 pm. First Friday of the month is a family service, 7–8 pm. Saturday Morning Services 9:30 am (dates vary, visit website calendar). Tot Shabbat, 30-minute services for young children and families. Sunday School, 9:30–11:45. Hebrew School, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, 4:15–6:15 pm. Preschool Playgroup, first Sunday of the month 9:30 am. Also, Children’s B’nai Mitzvah Program, Adult Education and Adult B’nai Mitzvah tutorials. Traditional events include a Purim Carnival, Shabbat Across America, Progressive Dinner, Corn Party and Community Break-the-Fast. Calendar includes: Friday, Nov 16, Kabbalat Shabbat Services starting at 7:30 led by Rabbi Shaul Praver, preceded by the Grades 6 and 7 dinner at 5:45; Saturday, Nov 17, Family Shabbat Services starting at 9:30 am, the Parsha is Toldot; Sunday, Nov 18, an evening of Bingo open to all, see website for details; Friday, Nov 23, Kabbalat Shabbat Services starting at 7:30 PM led by Rabbi Praver; Saturday, Nov 24, no services.

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