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Seeing Newtown In A Passing Cloud



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Getting a picture of what Newtown is thinking at any given moment typically involves public hearings, forums, and surveys where a range of impressions are articulated and interpreted into a rather generalized sense of the town. That sense is never very focused; it is quite cloudy, in fact. So why not employ a cloud to come at the task from another angle?

A word cloud is a visualization of text, generated by software. Single words are grabbed according to their prevalence in the text, and depicted in importance by larger and/or different font or color. The “picture” forms an easy-to-read assessment of what words occur with the greatest frequency in a piece of writing.

Every week in The Newtown Bee, the Snapshot column asks the person of the week a number of questions, including: “What is the best thing about Newtown?”

The word cloud generated from those answers emphasizes words like community, love, and people. The words fresh, atmosphere, character, close-knit, land, and hills float in this verbal cloud. Specific places peek through: The Hook, General Store, Main Street, Ferris Farm, (Boston and New York, as well, in reference to proximity). Other words describe what people find wonderful about our town — schools, history, and Halloween on Main Street. Gradually increasing in size are words like people, traditions, community, historic, landscape, views, natural beauty, countryside, and small town.

It is not surprising that people from all over town, and all walks of life, reflect similarly on the same question. The words they speak are of things that set this town apart from other towns. They are the spoken image of why people live here and why people stay here.

Big box stores, drive-through food kiosks, gas stations, and cables strung across historic Main Street do not come to mind when the subjects of our Snapshot ponder what is most satisfying about this town. We do not ask them what the worst aspects of Newtown are, but we can guess this might be a darker cloud, with words like high taxes and congestion leaping forward in print.

These darker images are the ones that vex town planners working to appease a grumbling population. It is a challenge to look beyond the dollars and cents that could be generated to development that does not sap the charm from Newtown.

Some progress is desirable, though, as our word cloud might suggest: shops, stores, and restaurants drift within the cloud. But those in charge of reviewing development in Newtown might take notice of this sampling. This town is distinctive because of characteristics that reflect its heart and history. What is important, these words seem to say, is a rural atmosphere that encourages a wholesome community of natural beauty.

Clouds, bright and dark, will always hover over Newtown. The challenge is to ensure that changes do not collide, like thunderheads, with the best of Newtown.

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