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Calls For Flashing Pedestrian Lights In Sandy Hook



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To the Editor:

After the horrific accident in Sandy Hook, we now have pedestrian warning signs up with the crosswalk. They are not enough!

When it is dusk or dark, you can not see ANYONE standing on the sidewalks. The oncoming traffic lights cause a hindered view. We need flashing pedestrian lights, like they have on Glover/Meadow.

A person trying to cross, presses a crosswalk button, & the signs will flash. I live here & know the situation, but someone not familiar with the area, will never see the signs or a person at night. Another accident is imminent.

Almost happened last night. We stopped, but the oncoming traffic went flying down Church Hill. I pray this can be changed to help prevent another accident at a busy, dark, popular crosswalk.

Jill Previs

Sandy Hook

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1 comment
  1. BRUCE WALCZAK says:

    I agree, but we need to make sure they are pedestrian activated. The ones on Glover were supposed to be by order of the Police Commission, but the ones installed by Public Works were the cheaper flashing light. A couple of extra dollars are worth the lives it can save.

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