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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Occupation: I am a florist. I have been in the family business, Newtown Florist, for 15 years, six of them full time. I graduated from Loyola University in Chicago with a bachelor's in communications. I attend about three trade classes a year.



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Occupation: I am a florist. I have been in the family business, Newtown Florist, for 15 years, six of them full time. I graduated from Loyola University in Chicago with a bachelor’s in communications. I attend about three trade classes a year.

How Long in Newtown: I have lived here for 26 years. Previously, I lived in 30 different states, Canada and Mexico, moving every three weeks until I was in kindergarten, because my father was employed as a spot auditor.

Biggest Change Seen in Town: Traffic and all the new developments.

Family: I’m single.

Pets: I have a pet beagle, named Angel, that is two and a half years old.

Hobbies: I like cars. I have a convertible for the summer that I love and a car for the winter. Spending time with my friends is the most important thing to me. Community activities also take up a lot of my time, but I love it.

Favorite Books and Authors: I like to read. I tend to read a lot of young adult novels, such as The Diary of Bridget Jones, which is about a woman about to turn 30. It’s so funny.

Favorite TV Show: Oprah and ER. I tape Oprah every day and watch it at night.

Organizations: I am president of the Newtown Chamber of Commerce and a member of Business and Professional Women and the Visiting Nurse Association. I am a member of the Connecticut Florist Association and the Society of American Florists.

 Most Vivid Memory of Newtown: My favorite, absolute favorite, memory is the Christmas tree lighting and the luminaria. I love it.

Favorite Vacation Spot: Anywhere it’s quiet and peaceful, even if it’s only 20 minutes or an hour away, it doesn’t matter.

Personal Philosophy: My personal philosophy on life is wherever you are or whatever you’re doing, be in the moment.





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