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Sacred Heart University OffersAdult College Courses In Danbury



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Sacred Heart University Offers

Adult College Courses In Danbury

If you are an adult who is thinking of going back to college to jumpstart your career or boost your earning potential, you may want to think about Sacred Heart University in Danbury. Tailored to meet the needs of adults with busy lives, Sacred Heart University in Danbury offers a convenient, quality, adult-oriented education program with a variety of courses, small class sizes, and an opportunity to learn with other adults. Sacred Heart University is now enrolling students for its Danbury Campus located at Immaculate High School, 73 Southern Boulevard. Classes started Tuesday, September 5. To resister, call University College at 203/371-7830

Sacred Heart University’s degree programs take many forms. It is the only university in Danbury to offer an accelerated degree program, known as AHEAD, where students can earn a degree in Business Administration, Finance, or International Business in about half the time of a traditional part-time program. Previous college experience is not needed to register for AHEAD, and credits previously earned may be able to be applied toward the degree program.

Sacred Heart University’s Danbury Campus is administered by University College, which is focused on meeting the lifelong learning needs of adults. The evolution of University College has been spearheaded by Stephen Brown, Ed.D, University College dean. A recognized expert in adult education, Dr Brown brings an entrepreneurial spirit, years of experience, and an understanding of the needs of adult learners to bear in designing innovative and effective programs.

Dr Brown explains that University College’s programs are geared toward working adults who are looking to get ahead in their careers. “Sacred Heart University offers a variety of part-time programs designed specifically for adults with busy lives. Our students enjoy learning with other adults, and they take advantage of the convenience and flexibility our programs offer, which helps them balance the many demands they face. Whether you’re seeking a new career, looking to brush up on the latest trends, or wanting additional training, chances are we have a program that meets your needs.”

If you’re looking to get ahead or thinking of changing careers, think about Sacred Heart University’s University College. For more information, call 203/371-7830.

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