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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA

Calling On State Candidates For Responses



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To the Editor:

Thank you to The Newtown Bee for including Tim Gavin’s candidate profile in the August 24 edition.

Some readers may already be aware of Tim’s candidacy to represent the 28th district in the State Senate; however for others this may have been their first introduction.

I hope The Bee will also include profiles of the other candidate running for State Senate as well as the candidates running to represent Newtown in the General Assembly. Informed voters, who understand their choices, are a key element of our democracy and November 8th is just around the corner.

In addition, thank you for including Tim Gavin’s written responses to the questions posed by two Bee readers regarding our elected officials’ positions on the important issues of reproductive rights, gun violence prevention and the investigation of domestic violence against the US Capitol.

Our current State Senator and Representative should follow Gavin’s lead and publicly answer these important questions. Voters need to understand the positions of these candidates to choose the candidate who best represents them.

If there is a reason these candidates will not go on the record publicly, it would be helpful if they would provide their rationale. Some readers may suggest using their voting records as a proxy; however, candidates looking to represent Newtown should be willing to address public questions that directly impact our freedoms, safety and democracy.


Doria Linnetz


Editor’s Note: The Newtown Bee regularly provides profiles on all incumbent and aspiring Newtown State Delegation candidates like we did for the open 107th District seat in our July 29 edition. Those 107th District profiles are available for review at newtownbee.com.

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