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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Re-Elect Jahana Hayes



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To the Editor:

Tis the season for political ads and promises. Typical challenger approach: identify a problem, blame the other party, and say you will fix it if elected. No specifics or plan of how they would accomplish that.

The challenger to our US Representative Jahana Hays runs ads stating “everyone knows Congress is a Mess.” Yes, it’s a mess. That’s why I’m voting to re-elect Jahana Hayes. A Republican majority in Congress has produced chaos, investigations based on unfounded conspiracies, dead-ended bills only intended to energize the most conservative Republican base, denial of reality whether climate change or the 2020 election and historically few bills that became law. Look how Republicans needed a dozen votes to elect a Speaker and then booted him out and churned through many votes before electing the current Speaker. This week that mess has been on clear display. With another looming Republican government shutdown, Republican disfunction is again on display. The Speaker of The House, trying to appease the far-right Republicans, cannot get a spending bill passed to avoid a government shutdown. The same speaker Jahana’s challenger brought to Connecticut to campaign for him.

While Republicans can’t seem to move America forward, Jahana Hayes has found ways to get things done. She has sponsored many bills that have been signed into law by both President Trump and President Biden. Jahana has figured out how to get things done in Washington. Supporting relief and improvement in veterans’ affairs, education, agriculture, gun violence, and the economy.

I don’t want continued MAGA mess in Congress. I support Jahana Hayes.

Ned Simpson

Sandy Hook

A letter from Ned Simpson.
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