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Important Voting Information From The Registrar



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To the Editor:

My co-registrar Erica and I would like to pass along some information regarding the voting process.

We need your assistance! Please help share this factual information to help reduce the amount of phone calls we are answering each day.

We have links available on our page of the town website, newtown-ct.gov. We also have the links on our Facebook page, Newtown CT Registrar of Voters.

Am I registered to vote? Where do I vote? Was my absentee application received? Was my ballot returned? [These questions] can all be answered with those links. Checking those places before calling our office will be very helpful.

Can I vote in person? YES, our regular three polling places will be open as normal: Newtown Middle School, Reed School, and Head O’ Meadow School.

If I request an absentee ballot, can I still vote in person? You get one vote; if your absentee vote is counted then no, but if you did not use that ballot then you may go to the polls and vote there. Do not bring any absentee ballots to the polling place. If you need to use your absentee ballot, it must be turned in by 8 pm on Election Day [November 3, 2020] to be counted.

If you are voting absentee, please return your completed ballot as soon as possible so we have more time to check off your ballot. We will be posting lists of ballots that have come back weekly, so you can verify that your ballot is received. You can also verify that no one voted for you. This is allowed under Freedom of Information.

Voting in person will be a little different due to COVID, but you are able to vote in person. Please help keep poll workers and voters safe. Wear your mask, use the sanitizer, do not loiter in the polling place, and if you must bring your child(ren), please keep them with you and keep them from touching all the surfaces. This will also help protect them.

Please watch our Facebook, website, and The Bee articles and letters as we move toward this very important election.

For information on absentee ballots, contact the Town Clerk’s office at 203-270-4210.

For information on in-person voting and counting of absentees, call the Registrar’s office, 203-270-4250.

Thank you for voting,

LeReine Frampton

3 Primrose Street, Newtown September 29, 2020

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