Supports Chief's Dismissal
Supports Chiefâs Dismissal
The following letter to the New England Association of Chiefs of Police has been received for publication.
Dear Chiefs:
I support the decision of the police commission to remove James Lysaght from his position as chief of the Newtown Police Department.
Several months ago, I read a disturbing article in The Newtown Bee about the drug use in our high school. After reading the article I went to visit the chief. He would not speak with me. I left the police station rather displeased. I am a concerned resident with 10 grandchildren in the Newtown school system. Who is more important in our community than the children? We need a police chief that will address the concerns of its residents, one of them being the drug use in our school system.
Samuel Nezvesky
Huntingtown Road, Newtown                                     November 1, 1999
(Editorâs Note: While the Police Commission has
 initiated hearings on the possible dismissal of Chief Lysaght,
it has not yet formally voted to remove him from office.)