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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA

Grief Specialist Roome Speaking To Working Women's Forum



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Grief Specialist Roome Speaking To Working Women’s Forum

The Working Women’s Forum, an association of local professionals and entrepreneurs, will feature “The Topic We Don’t Want to Talk About....Grief,” at its Wednesday, April 11, meeting at the Villa Restaurant in Sandy Hook.

Ethel-Anne Roome is a certified grief recovery specialist who conducts the Grief Recovery Method Program for groups and individuals. She states her passion is “being there with and for my clients as they walk from the pain of loss every step of the way to recovery and resolution.”

In her talk Ms Roome will provide insight into what death and other losses leave behind that make people uncomfortable and how grief may be caused by loss of any kind — moving, loss of custody, loss of health, loss of a loved one, as well as divorce.

She will explain how grief is the normal and natural reaction to loss when death happens. Attendees will earn about the mixed feelings those left behind feel after losing someone, or something.

Ms Roome’s interactive session will cover how grief can come from many types of loss, and what is learned about grief from previous experiences, and provide guidance in how best to help someone who is grieving, and where to find help for personal grief recovery.

The Villa Restaurant is 4 Riverside Road in Sandy Hook. Networking and appetizers begin at 6 pm followed by the guest speaker.

For reservations, e-mail rsvp@workingwomensforum.net or call 203-740-7305. The program and appetizer fee will be $10 for members, and $20 for nonmembers with a cash bar.

The group will also be accepting canned food, personal health, and beauty items for the Newtown FAITH Food Pantry.

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