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The Greater Ability To Deliver



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To the Editor:

“I don’t care what party you’re from…I care about how good your idea is”.

This quote paraphrases a line given by Rebekah Harriman-Stites during the candidates forum at Edmond Town Hall on Tuesday. It also sums up the natural leadership ability of Ms Harriman-Stites.

Ms Harriman-Stites was the candidate who stood apart from the crowd. Her responses to questions were clear, thoughtful, fluently articulated, and sensitive to the needs of the many different groups of people in Newtown and the State of Connecticut. She was respectful of differences with her Republican opponent but clear in staking out her own ground.

Beyond these basics, though, there is an important intangible leadership quality to Rebekah Harriman-Stites.

Ms Harriman-Stites has a presence that clearly distinguishes her from others. She was the only candidate of the six who stood up when speaking (the others remained seated throughout the evening). Her responses reflected many things beyond her own ideas. She had clearly listened carefully to the other candidates. She was quick to acknowledge common ground with colleagues and opponents. She provided enough of her own biography so that the audience understood her personal connections with her ideas and values. These unscripted actions seem not so much what she decided to do, rather, more a reflection of who she is.

Instead of keeping to the party line, Ms Harriman-Stites will be among those who set the direction for state government. I find that being in the same room with Rebekah gives the sense that she doesn’t have to tell you she’ll work hard for you… you just know she will by listening and watching. She simply has great ability to stand, deliver, and follow through.

Newtown will be well-represented by Rebekah Harriman-Stites.

Ted Welsh

4 King Street, Newtown          October 2, 2018

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