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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Humbled To Be Chosen Once Again



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To The Editor:

I’m humbled and honored to again be chosen by the voters of Newtown to represent the community I love for a fourth-term as your voice in Hartford. Thank you.

Voters turned out in unprecedented numbers. Your passion, energy, and trust is what drives me to work both sides of the aisle for our collective best interests. I ask every one of you to stay engaged. Together, we are mighty. “We are Newtown.”

I am proud to have been supported by our many campaign volunteers. We ran an issues-focused race, bolstered by local folks from both parties and by unaffiliated voters with one unifying goal: assuring that Newtown’s diverse voices are represented in the fairest, most balanced, positive way.

We will be conducting a series of listening sessions in December and January. Your ideas and priorities are central to my service.

It’s bound to be a tough session, but I’m encouraged to report a good start. Governor-elect Lamont’s office has reached out to mine to arrange a conversation this week about working together in the upcoming session.

Though our state faces significant challenges, Newtown’s best interests will always be my priority, and I will continue my six-year battle for our fair share. Your concerns are mine, and the vitality of Newtown and Connecticut are on my mind, day and night.

Your voice matters. Please, never hesitate to contact me with your state-government concerns, suggestions, or ideas. As your State Representative, I’m also here to discuss and help develop concepts for local or broader legislation, as we have with great success for dozens of constituents.

My legislative e-mail is mitch.bolinsky@housegop.ct.gov. My legislative website is www.repbolinsky.com, where you can also opt in for informative periodic updates on what’s happening at the Capitol, state road projects, meeting notifications, occasional issue surveys, and more.

Again, thank you!


State Representative Mitch Bolinsky

Wiley Road, Newtown         November 12, 2018

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