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A Gentleman Calls



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A Gentleman Calls

To the Editor:

Last week I penned a letter to you over my frustration in wondering why none of the people I called to plow my driveway had not called back in response to my messages on their answering machines or answering services. My wonder about the lack of courtesy would still be with me were it not for one call I did receive on my answering machine in the evening of January 24, 2000.

I received a call from Accurate Gutters & Roofing located in Newtown. The message asked that I leave my address on their machine so he could drive by and leave an estimate. Mother Nature and Murphy’s Law being what they are it snowed. The next morning after I had left for work a plow truck showed up in our driveway. The driver talked with my wife for a minute and gave what I think is a very fair and reasonable estimate.

This gentleman is a credit to himself, his family, and the town of Newtown.


Ted Grafton

75 Hattertown Road                       January 31, 2000

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