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Going Solar Feels Like The Right Thing To Do



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To the Editor:

Why did I go solar?

1. Is it because I am an old hippie?  (I did attend the very first Earth Day in April, 1970 as a college freshman so maybe.)

2. Is it because I am a science teacher and feel that the US is not utilizing all its options for meeting its energy demands?  (As of 2012, only 0.22 percent of US energy needs is being met by photo-voltaic (PV) solar installations, compared to 2 percent of the European Union’s energy demands and to 1 percent of the world’s energy demands).

3. Is it because I feel that a PV installation of solar is a good deal, monetarily? (I see the cost of energy continuing to increase; my solar installation is paid for in full in 9 years; the installation has a 25 year warranty (15 year for the electronics in the basement) with a guaranteed output of electricity for the panels over this time. Sure electronics might be more efficient in 10 years and the cost may go down a bit, but I’m betting there will be less government incentives to offset the cost in 10 years, so I am jumping in now and getting the 10 year pay-back interval out of the way.)

4. Is it going to add value to the re-sale value of my home?  (Solar panels are not real pretty, and my installation is on the front side of my roof so it may have reduced curb appeal somewhat, but in 10 years, I’m betting that the reduction of ‘curb appeal’ is offset by the energy savings that this solar installation can offer the new owners.  Time will tell.)

“Going solar” feels like the right thing to do, with energy costs continuing to climb; current government incentives make now a good time to go solar; the local Solarize Newtown program is just another reason to go solar today.

“Whenever there is a huge spill of solar energy, it’s just called a ‘nice day’!”

MaryJac Reed

11 Maltbie Road, Newtown                    February 7, 2014

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