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Top of the Mountain



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Did you read the article about Lasagna Love in last week’s print edition and on our website? Hundreds of people engaged with the post on social media applauding Newtown resident Lindsey Guerrero for volunteering making lasagna for people in need. You too can be a lasagna chef for the nonprofit or sign up to receive a meal by visiting lasagnalove.org. I wonder if they could put some catnip or tuna juice in one for me and my Mountainous kitty family.

If you are philanthropic and looking to make a difference in the community, consider volunteering for a town board. First Selectman Dan Rosenthal is currently seeking residents to fill a few openings. Lake Zoar Authority has a vacant position available to an unaffiliated or Republican voter. Resumes are due by March 2. Water & Sewer Authority also has an open position, available to any registered voter. Any interested party can send a letter of interest and a resume to susan.marcinek@newtown-ct.gov.

The Marine Corps Reserve Toys For Tots Program just announced the impact its 2022 campaign had for those in need during the holidays. The organization stated, “Our 833 Coordinators worked tirelessly to deliver over 24.4 million toys, books, and games to 9.9 million children in need this past year. The hard work and dedication to the Program and the Toys for Tots mission doesn’t go unseen, and each of our Coordinators brought tremendous joy to less fortunate children in our great Nation.” Thank you to Newtown Area Coordinators Frank Casey and Dave Silber, as well as to the Marine Veterans of Fairfield County, Newtown Police Department, and the businesses and individuals who supported the charity!

Creative Music Center in Monroe, who has many Newtown customers and students, will be honoring local teachers for all their efforts throughout the COVID-19 pandemic with its Year of the Teacher. The year-long celebration will include publicizing the stories, people, and achievements of those who have brought musical joy to so many over the past three years. Find out more by contacting owner Mike Reisman at mike@thecreativemusiccenter.com or 203-261-7301. Sounds like meow-sic to my ears!

Red Cross America is encouraging individuals to “share your big heart” and donate blood during its February Blood Drive at Newtown Congregational Church, 14 West Street, on Tuesday, February 28, from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm. Members of Newtown Lions Club are volunteering, and snacks are being provided by Women Involved in Newtown (WIN). For an appointment, visit redcrossblood.org or call 800-RED-CROSS (800-733-2767). Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting redcrossblood.org/rapidpass to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment. Keep an eye on our calendars, in print and online, for additional upcoming blood drives, which continue at least once monthly at the church.

Speaking about donating, there’s no need to wait for Friends of the C.H. Booth Library’s next Donation Day. The Friends accepts donated items year-round. Volunteers welcome new and gently-used books, CDs, DVDs, LPs, jigsaw puzzles, and games, unusual vintage, and collectible items. Some items will even be available for purchase in the Friends’ year-round Little Book Store on the second floor of the library. Other items will be earmarked for the Friends’ 47th Annual Book Sale, tentatively scheduled for July 7-11, at Reed Intermediate School. Proceeds from the sale of the items you donate help support the purchase of library materials, online services, programs, and special projects.

Congratulations to Western Connecticut State University’s student-run radio station WXCI 91.7FM for 50 years of broadcasts! During the weekend of February 18-19, the station had former students and staff take over the airwaves. I hope this week they play some of my favorite tunes like “What’s New Pussycat” or any songs from the musical Cats.

How much do you and your friends and family know about Black History Month? Newtown Allies For Change (NAFC) is inviting readers to join them for themed trivia this weekend. All ages are invited to form teams and test their knowledge during NAFC’s Black History Month Trivia Night, planned for Sunday, February 26, at Reverie Brewing, 57B Church Hill Road. Games will be played from 4 to 6 pm. Teams will be competing for a prize package with items from local businesses. No registration is needed, just show up with your game on.

Have you ever wondered what to do if you see a dog or cat that appears to be lost? Contact the Newtown Animal Control Shelter at 203-426-6900 for assistance. If you get the voicemail, be sure to leave a detailed message of where you saw the animal and what it looks like. For individuals and families going through the heartache of currently searching for a lost pet, you can also contact the shelter. The group can help spread the word on social media to get more people aware of the situation and keep an eye out for your pet. There are always animals in need and you can be the person that makes all the difference.

Mark your calendars, because March 1 is National Pig Day! According to Mercy For Animals, “Pigs are actually considered the fifth-most intelligent animal in the world — even more intelligent than dogs — and are capable of playing video games with more focus and success than chimps!” So, celebrate the day by reading Charlotte’s Web or supporting some of the rescued farm pigs in our state. JP Farm Animal Sanctuary in Litchfield, formerly located in Newtown, has six rescued piggies that enjoy socialization and yummy snacks — including Mozza and Little Beanie Tofu, pictured here. If you can’t go out in person to meet them, learn about all the JP Farm Animal Sanctuary rescues online at jpfarmsanctuary.org.

Does your child have an upcoming birthday? Don’t forget to submit an announcement for The Newtown Bee’s Birthday Wishes, which can be found each week in our Education section. Parents can send a head and shoulders photo of their child, with their first and last name, age, and date of birth to The Newtown Bee Reporter Noelle Veillette, noelle@thebee.com, for publication in the long-standing weekly column. Be sure and include a daytime phone number in case we have questions, as well as your address. All children submitted for birthday announcements are entered into a chance to win a free ice cream cake from Ferris Acres Creamery. One child wins weekly. If a black cat shows up looking for a taste of the cake, don’t worry. It’s just me.

If you enjoy reading this Top of the Mountain column and have news you want to share with the community, be sure to e-mail Newtown Bee Reporter Alissa Silber at alissa@thebee.com, who has temporarily taken over Mountain the Cat’s typing duties while Education Reporter Eliza Van is away for the next few months.

And as always, promise to … Read me again.

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