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A Very Dangerous Man



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A Very

Dangerous Man

To the Editor:

With the presidential elections quickly approaching, it’s imperative that the American people recognize that the narcissus Marxist currently occupying the White House admittedly intends to drive fuel and electric rates much higher.

Now why would the President of the United States want to do such a thing? It’s because his ideology drives him to do so. He’s a far left environmental wacko that knows nothing of the energy industry. His vision is to have all our energy needs satisfied by solar panels, windmills, tulips, and rainbows. It’s a utopian dream based on neither fact nor reality. 0ne percent of our nation’s energy needs are met by heavily subsidized wind and solar. Every week there is yet another solar energy company going bankrupt and for good reason. They can’t compete with fossil fuels. But Obama insists against all evidence that our economic future will be built around “green energy.” That this will create jobs and achieve energy independence. He is destroying our coal and oil companies through EPA regulations! This man is delusional! Even his much heralded Chevy Volt puddle jumper just went into the trash heap. Obama also believes that our earth is in danger from global warming and green house gases, thus the “clean” electric car obsession at any cost. Someone should tell our auto-executive-in-chief that the electricity that runs his electric cars comes from a coal, oil, gas or nuclear power plant. Global warming is a fraud perpetrated on the American people so Obama’s buddies at Goldman Sacks can set up a carbon credit world wide exchange trading BTU credits worth billions of dollars in commissions. I wonder how the polar bears feel about that?

Obama’s a very dangerous man that has a great smile and reads a teleprompter well. Vote.

Nick Barzetti

55 Flat Swamp Road, Newtown                                    March 6, 2012

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