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Vote Kapoor For 112th District Representative



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To the Editor:

Again, the Monroe Republican Town Committee has been disingenuous in attempts to fan the flames of division in our district.

Connecticut has more money in its rainy-day fund than ever before. There’s an estimated $800M surplus in the current year’s budget, with $2.6B in coronavirus relief coming from the federal government. According to the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, Q4 2020 GDP growth Connecticut was the highest in all New England.

Nick [Kapoor, Democratic candidate for the 112th District] is against and will not vote for new taxes on Connecticut residents and will vote against all unfunded mandates. He also supports the police accountability bill and its amendments.

As a public servant and elected official in Monroe for the past decade, Nick has always voted and worked in the best interest of the town. Unlike his opponent, he doesn’t need to ask legislative leaders in Hartford if/how to vote for the people of Monroe and Newtown. As he has always done, he will continue to evaluate legislation with members of both parties to assess what is the correct course of action for our district.

It is time for us to be heard in Hartford by a qualified, experienced representative who will deliver our true values and is prepared to immediately make a difference for Monroe and Newtown’s visibility when allocation of funds and our needs are being discussed. No learning curve is needed for Nick to get started in Hartford working for our district. Nick has proven himself as a “hard worker and he definitely has the best interest of the town and state,” quote from former representative J.P. Sredzinski.

Please support Nick Kapoor on Tuesday, April 13, so Monroe and Newtown will finally be led by a resident who will devote the time and energy necessary to give Monroe the positive impact it needs and deserves.

Patricia Paniccia, Chair

Monroe Democratic Town Committee

25 Easton Road, Monroe April 9, 2021

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