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Newtown, CT, USA

Newtown Rotary Honors April Students Of The Month For Academics And Service



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Newtown Rotary Honors April Students Of The Month For Academics And Service

Teachers, administrators, parents, siblings, and friends recently attended Newtown Rotary’s monthly meeting to honor April’s Students of the Month. Students are selected for their academic dedication to learning, as well as helping others in school or through outside community service. Students are introduced by their teachers and presented with a Certificate of Personal Achievement.

Newtown High School sophomore Thomas Yacko, according to his teacher Carol Skolas, has improved dramatically in his studies over the past year. Thomas is described as “very inquisitive,” which keeps his teachers on their toes with interesting questions.

Outside of school, Thomas works with Sandy Hook School kindergarteners and Misty Morning Day Care Center preschoolers. An avid reader, he is described by peers as possessing a “positive and cheerful attitude.” A dedicated hiker, he recently set a goal to finish traveling the Appalachian Trail.

St Rose School teacher Pam Arsenault introduced eighth grader Benjamin Martinez as a motivated and conscientious student with a sincere desire to learn. He has been an honors student at St Rose since his family moved to Newtown three years ago. He is a member of the National Junior Honor Society. Through his family’s frequent relocations, Benjamin has learned to adapt to new situations and people in his life.

Outside of school, Benjamin assists the second grade teacher in St Rose’s religious education program. An altar server at St Rose of Lima Church, he also helps train new servers. Benjamin is also a starter on the St Rose Varsity Basketball Team; he also assists the Junior Varsity coaches.

Newtown Middle School eighth grade teacher Linder Dale Mulholland introduced eighth grader Rachel Rockwell. Rachel is an honors student described by her teachers as “altruistic, nurturing, and unassuming,” giving to others without expecting anything in return.

As a member of the art enrichment group at school, Rachel enjoys sketching and drawing, especially animals. She is also involved with the school’s literary magazine and Rotary-sponsored community service Interact Club. She also is part of the Newtown Middle School Math Team, which recently won first place in its division and third place in the region at the final Fairfield County Math League meet.

Outside of school, Rachel enjoys playing lacrosse. She is a member of the junior choir at the Assumption Greek Orthodox Church in Danbury and is also a Girl Scout Cadette.

Newtown Middle School seventh grade teacher Tom Benedetto introduced Victoria “Tori” Boushell. An honors student, Tori is part of the art enrichment program. She particularly enjoys working with Egyptian clay and jar designs. She also has played soccer each year through the town’s Parks and Recreation Department since second grade.

In the words of her teachers, “Tori is a hard working, thoughtful, and kind student. She cooperates with others thoughtfully and works hard on all classroom activities and projects. Her conscientious work habits have developed her skills and understanding. She competes with herself to do her nest, not against others. She enjoys life and is happy and content. We are proud of her and happy to recommend her as student of the month.”

An avid supporter of the Defenders of Wildlife Association, Tori aspires to one day pursue a career in the sciences, particularly veterinary work. She would like to own a dog kennel someday. Tori enjoys accompanying her family to its Vermont home each winter to ski Stratton Mountain together.

Reed Intermediate School sixth grader Christopher Pear, according to peers, greets each day with a smile. He completes all of his class work with quality and marked effort. For Chris, there isn’t a whole lot that beats a good day at school! He’s been heard to say, “I wish vacation would end, as I can’t wait to get back to school.”

Chris collects card games including Pokeman, Yu-gio, and Dual Monsters. He enjoys playing the violin, loves computer games and Lego robotics.

Christopher’s teachers sum him this way, “Christopher is an ‘ideas’ student and we believe being honored by the Rotary Club is not only appropriate, but well deserved.”

Reed Intermediate School fifth grader Matthew Hoeffel is described as a very happy and energetic student who is an avid reader and writer.

Matthew was selected for this award particularly because of his eagerness to help others. Each day he asks his teachers if there is anything he can do to help during learning lab or after school. He models the Rotary motto, “Service Above Self,” which his father Rotarian Christopher Hoeffel is proud of. During a recent Rotary meeting, Matthew raised several hundred dollars after explaining the “Pencils for Peace” program.

After school, Matthew enjoys being a part of the Interact Club writing for the school newspaper.

Mathew’s teachers’ conclude that “Matt is a pleasure to have in class and he will be missed when he graduates next year but fortunately, we get to have him for another year at Reed.”

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