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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Winding Over Wasserman Way



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A culvert replacement project on the eastern end of Wasserman Way this week created heavy delays for drivers using the major through-road.

By mid-afternoon Tuesday, May 7, traffic was at a near standstill for nearly a mile, along the stretch of Wasserman between its intersection with Berkshire Road (where another set of delays awaited those traveling near Toddy Hill Road all the way back to the soccer and softball/baseball fields at Fairfield Hills.

A separate road project at the opposite end of the road — an emergency replacement of a drainage pipe beneath Mile Hill-Wasserman, just east of its intersection with Queen Street — made traveling the busy road less than enjoyable, even when the sun was out this week.

Meanwhile, Church Hill Road remained a challenge as the Church Hill-Commerce-Edmond roads realignment project reached its paving stage on Monday.

One minor consolation for drivers? At least the sun was out, breaking the very long streak of cold, rainy weather the region has been dealing with so far this spring.

<p>Traffic slowly travels east on Wasserman Way during the mid-afternoon of Tuesday, May 7. A culvert replacement project on the eastern end of the major through-road caused heavy delays for much of the week. Compounding the traffic woes were additional delays for those who continued past the I-84 Exit 11 ramps, seen near the top of this photo, who then attempted to turn right and travel east on Berkshire Road. A bridge replacement project on Toddy Hill Road has been creating additional daytime delays in recent weeks.  (Bee Photo, Hicks)</p>
<p>The view behind this vehicle was no better Tuesday afternoon. Around 3 pm, traffic was slowed to nearly a stop all the way back to the soccer-softball fields at Fairfield Hills.   (Bee Photo, Hicks)</p>
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