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It's Summer!



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Doggone Etiquette —

It’s Summer!

By Bardi McLennan

A Word to the Dog:

It is not quite, but almost summertime. According to people who make up things like calendars, summer won’t officially arrive for another couple of weeks, but I’m sure you dogs have enjoyed every day we’ve had so far that looked, smelled, and felt like summer. There are so many different things to do with your people when the weather is warm and everyone is outdoors. Of course, there are also things you dogs cannot or should not do in all this nice warm weather. Your VIPeople are in charge, so we’ll talk to them about those no-no’s.

A Word to the Dog’s Owner:            

Ah, summer! So many things we look forward to doing when the warm summer sunshine finally arrives. Finishing up the gardening, getting the pool ready for family fun, planning a trip or two to visit family or friends to name just a few of our summer dreams. That’s all well and good, but what about Rufus? Our dogs take weather in stride as best they can, but not even the brightest pooch can plan for what may come next.

One warning that can’t be repeated too often concerns the car. Do NOT leave a dog in the car on even a warm day. It doesn’t have to be really hot for disaster to occur. And do not fall back on lame excuses such as, “I parked in the shade” or “I left a window open” or “I’ll only be gone for a couple of minutes.”  Each such alibi has been used by a dog owner who returns to the car only to find the dog at death’s door from heat exhaustion!                              

When traveling by car, take the dog out for a good walk when you stop for a bite to eat. Be sure he has fresh water. Yes, park in the shade, but check on him again when you’ve placed your order. Keep track of the time and if need be, you could turn up the a/c in the car for a few minutes while you take him for yet another breath of fresh air.                            

Another caution is a major one, year-round. Keep Rufus securely away from an open car window. Most of us are familiar with the account of the Irish Setter riding on the roof of a car to Canada, but any dog traveling with its head out the car window is in danger. If it falls or jumps out of the car, the dog could be killed, or it could cause you to have an accident. It is a frightening situation for all other drivers on the road. The danger ranks right up there with the use of cell phones while driving. 

A haircut and/or spa treatment at the groomer’s would be appreciated by the dog for the start of summer. Regardless of the normal length or texture of his coat, Rufus will be more comfortable after a complete grooming – and his summer upkeep will be easier for you.  

Obviously, too much sun is not good for people or dogs. While dogs don’t suffer from sunburn the way people do, they do undergo heat exhaustion very quickly. Think carefully about his favorite outdoor spot when you might not be there to notice if the sun is shining. Letting Rufus sit by the pool with the family is okay for a short time, but tied out, or left outside unattended is a definite no-no.     

As for gardening, some dogs are content to tuck themselves into a shady spot, or just to follow you as you go about your business. Watch out for the dog that decides to do his own form of gardening – digging a nice patch down into the cooler earth to take a nap! That dog might do better spread out on the kitchen floor while you take care of the horticulture.

These are just some suggestions to start thinking about now, when summer is still ahead of us, rather than having to come up later on with, “Oh, I didn’t know that!” 

Until next time – BE GOOD!

- Bardi

Bardi McLennan bred, trained and showed Welsh Terriers for 30 years, during which time she wrote a monthly column on canine behavior in Dog Fancy Magazine. In addition to contributing to numerous dog publications, she has written 15 books on dogs, the latest being Rescue Me!, which received the ASPCA Humane Issues Award in 2008.

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