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Snapshot: Nerlande Foote



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Occupation: I’m a part-time nurse and full-time mom of two lovable, rambunctious toddlers, Madi and Sammy.

Family: Micah, my husband, is a Marine combat veteran and personal chef. He’s cooked for countless celebrities, and I always jokingly say that one of my hobbies is eating the leftovers of the one-percent.

Pets: We have a cat, Midnight, that we adopted from Newtown Animal Shelter. She’s 2 and the sweetest baby.

How long have you lived in Newtown? We’ve been living in Newtown for three years.

What do you like to do in your free time? I love to garden — something I did not do until moving to Newtown. It’s extremely therapeutic. I work nights, so coming home in the morning and tending to my garden is something I look forward to. There’s also a sense of pride in literally seeing the fruits of your labor. As I become more skilled at growing, I may join a gardening club. Also, almost every Sunday during the spring and summer my routine would be to go to church then to Elephant’s Trunk flea market. I love home decor DIY projects and upcycling my finds. I’m HGTV obsessed. There haven’t been any flea markets since the pandemic, so you can imagine, my spirit has been in absolute shambles. Furthermore, I have a love for the arts as I’ve modeled for years. Going to art shows is a favorite pastime. I’m a huge fan of Connecticut artists Susan Clinard and Kiara Matos.

I also enjoy helping my husband come up with new dishes for his clients, making pizza with the kids a few times a month, hosting parties, and of course, going out to eat. Lucas Local is by far my favorite restaurant in town.

What is your favorite travel destination? My favorite travel destination is St Lucia. The food, the land, the water, the people. I’m partial to islands, as I’m first generation Haitian. I’m fluent in Creole and was pleasantly surprised to learn they also speak Creole in St Lucia. That really helped with getting around and, of course, with deals on souvenirs. Resorts are fun, but venturing out to eat and dance with the locals will always top that. You’re in the company of stray cats and your chair has three legs, but your meal and experience will be unforgettable.

What is the best part about Newtown? The best part about Newtown is the vast amount of things there are to do with children, no matter the season. If you are ever at a loss for ideas, Newtown Moms always has a list at the ready.

What organizations are you part of in Newtown? I spoke at the Allies for Change Rally a few weeks ago. Neighbors all came together to discuss the current climate, police brutality, and hear the words of Black citizens, citizens of color, and allies. The stories of racism and prejudice from people of all ages were heart wrenching but unsurprising. Dismantling racist systems may be an uphill battle, but it can be done. As my children grow older and go to Newtown schools, I don’t want them to have the same stories. Black Lives Matter.

Who has been the greatest influence in your life? My parents. My mother is a 26-year veteran registered nurse and my father has been an educator for just as long. I remember my mother working towards her RN when I was a child. I strive to be the nurse she is. No nonsense and compassionate. I’ve reached a point where my mother isn’t just my mother, she’s my friend. My parents are also the best grandparents.

If you could spend the day with one person, who would you choose and why? I would love to spend a day with Bozoma Saint John. She is a marketing maven and currently the chief marketing officer of Netflix. I personally believe you should always strive to be better than you were the year before, and every time I see her name in the headlines it’s for something bigger and better.

Who is your favorite musical artist? I don’t have just one favorite music artist. From ’80s to current, Megan Thee Stallion to Charles Aznavour, it really depends on my mood… and if my kids are listening. My last outing before the pandemic was to see Celine Dion in concert with my girlfriends and that was a childhood dream come true. Seeing Hall & Oates live is on my bucket list.

What is the greatest piece of advice you have ever been given? To never dim your light for anyone. You’re not going to be everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay. It’s great advice for me, because I’m the most obnoxious person I know.

What is your proudest accomplishment? I’ve only been a mother for four years, but I can say without a doubt my children and the home my husband and I have created for them are my greatest accomplishment. No matter what I do, no matter what I achieve, and I have many dreams, mothering them is something that I can confidently say comes naturally to me.

Nerlande Foote is this week's Snapshot profile. —photo courtesy Nerlande Foote
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