Snapshot: Sam Moore
Occupation: I’m a web developer. My company is Resonetrics, LLC, here in town. My best client is a business whose website is critical to business — e-commerce, community building, blogs driven by advertising, and that kind of thing. I help people drive their businesses forward.
Family: I live with Robin Olson in Sandy Hook. I have a daughter who is a lawyer for Bronx Defender, a public interest firm.
Pets: We have several cats, and whatever foster cats are in our care at the moment. Plus, we have a couple of strays that come to the back door.
How long have you lived in Sandy Hook? I moved here the fall of 2003. Before that, I was in Westchester. I grew up in New York City.
What do you like to do in your free time? I’m the chief technical officer and litter pan scooper for Kitten Associates, a cat rescue foundation. That takes up a lot of time. We rescue cats and we provide education to people about cat nutrition and behavior. I also play jazz guitar. I’m in two bands. One is based out of Southbury, Riverview Jazz. Core Four is out of the Ansonia area. We do some outdoor gigs and parties.
Do you have a favorite musician? Jim Hall, a guitarist who recently passed away. He worked a lot with Sonny Rollins. He was very much in inspiration to me. There are just too many great musicians to mention them all.
Do you have a favorite travel destination? I spent a little time in Italy, while in college. That’s the pinnacle for me, if you will. We like to go to Newport, R.I. It’s nice up there.
What is the best thing about Newtown? That it’s not real built up. There’s so much open land here. It doesn’t have that quality of being taken over by malls. Everybody seems to get along here, even though people might disagree. There’s not an adversarial sense of animosity.
What has been the greatest influence on your life? I would have to say the meditation tradition that came from Tibet in the early 1970s. I’ve been a practicing Buddhist since 1979. It’s had a profound effect on my life.
Do you have a personal philosophy? Be kind to everybody.
Do you have a guilty pleasure? I probably buy too many records. I’ve got boxes filled with CDs and vinyl at home. If there’s an addiction for me, that would be it.