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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Homes For AFS Students Needed



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Homes For

AFS Students Needed

In a few weeks AFS Exchange Students will arrive in the country. As a result of the economic year, families have been found for 75 percent of the students, according to a recent release from AFS written in the form of a letter by Interim President and Partner Director Jorge Castro.

According to the release, 85 percent of the students had been placed with host families by this time last year.

“We still have approximately 600 wonderful students waiting for families,” said Mr Castro in the letter. “There is no doubt that AFS will need to explain to a great group of students that they need to stay behind in their home countries for a few more weeks until families and schools can be found.  It’s called ‘second arrivals’ and it is something we desperately tried to avoid this year, without success.”  

Anyone interested in hosting, for the first time or otherwise, can call 800-876-2377 to reach their regional office.

“It means a great deal to AFS, our organization and our mission to find all of the families we need,” Mr Castro wrote. “But, it means even more to a young person who is waiting to begin their exchange year in America.  Our sincere appreciation if you have already decided to host this year.” 

For more information visit the program’s website at www.afs.org.

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