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Meet Your Future Elected Leaders — First Of Two Rounds Of Local Candidate Profiles Presented



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Today, The Newtown Bee presents its first of two installments of photos and brief profiles of local candidates pursuing elected seats this November on the Newtown Boards of Education, Assessment Appeals, the Planning and Zoning Commission (and alternates), the Zoning Board of Appeals (and alternates), and the Police Commission.


Name: Rebekah Harriman-Stites (incumbent)

Party Affiliation: Democratic

Elected Position Sought: Board of Education

Address: 5 Sealand Drive

E-mail: harriman.rebekah@gmail.com

Website / Social Network page: facebook.com/rebekahharrimanstites

Family information:

Children: Fisher, almost 14

Pets: Two beagles, Zoey and Gracie

Years Living in Newtown: 18

Education background: Bachelor’s in Social Work from Central CT State University

Current Occupation: Director of Development, Ann’s Place

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“I believe that a thriving community is one that is inclusive and meets the needs of residents at all ages and life stages. To that end, creating and supporting a strong educational system is a key component to sustaining a sound, vibrant, growing community. If reelected to the Board of Education, I will continue to introduce innovative solutions, like the Special Education Contingency Fund and our district’s grant writer, that allow us to be responsive to the needs of all learners while ensuring that our spending plan addresses the realities of an economically diverse town population.”

Name: Dennis Brestovansky

Party Affiliation: Republican

Elected Position Sought: Board of Education

Address: 11 Longview Heights Road

E-mail: dfbrestovansky@gmail.com

Website / Social Network page: facebook.com/dennis.brestovansky.3

Family information:

Spouse / significant other: Elizabeth Brestovansky

Children: Meghann Buck, Emily Marks, Lindsay Brestovansky, David Brestovansky

Grandchildren : Norah Buck, Molly Buck

Years Living in Newtown: 20

Education background: ETH-Zurich, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, PhD, Chemical Engineering; University of Delaware, BS and MS in Chemical Engineering

Current Occupation: Director of Technology Commercialization

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“A top school system has far reaching advantages for students, property values, quality of life and a thriving town. However, relentlessly increasing taxes can offset those upsides. We must get results from our investments or have the courage to change course. I have spent a career in strategy, management, and delivering value from large operating budgets. I’ve been a teacher and board member. I will listen to and represent your interests whether you have children in our schools or not and will work to make our school system everything we want it to be at a cost we can afford.”

Name: John Vouros (incumbent)

Party Affiliation: Democrat

Elected Position Sought: Board of Education

Address: 29 Main Street

E-mail: danaholcombehouse@icloud.com

Family information:

Spouse / significant other: Jane Vouros

Pets: Two Shih Tzus

Years Living in Newtown: 51

Education background: Wagner College / BS in Biology; University of Utah, Masters in Anatomy; Fairfield University, Masters in Education

Current Occupation: Owner/operator, Dana Holcombe House (B&B) 13 years

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“If you choose to reelect me for a third term, I shall continue working with Dr Rodrigue and board colleagues to assess declining enrollment as it relates to fiscal responsibility, as well as effective and affective educational outcomes for children. I will also continue to address recovery through sustained services and programs that support our community, continue monitoring district goals as they relate to the BOE’s long-term strategic plan, work to help craft an annual budget that accounts for enrollment changes while meeting students’ educational needs, and support the district’s values and beliefs in building a ‘Culture of Care’ for all stakeholders.”

Name: Deborra Zukowski

Party Affiliation: Republican

Elected Position Sought: Newtown Board of Education

Address: 4 Cornfield Ridge Road

E-mail: debz.newtown.ct@gmail.com

Website / Social Network page: facebook.com/debz.newtownboe

Family information:

Spouse / significant other: Married 36 year to Charles

Children: Daughters, Claire and Sadie

Years Living in Newtown: 17

Education background: Ticonderoga, N.Y., High School graduate 1979; Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering — MIT 1983.

Current Occupation: Retired after 30 years in high-tech research and development as an information systems engineer.

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“My focus on and dedication to the following will improve our schools:

1) Classroom Learning: Student education should be our central goal.

2) Teacher Morale: Teachers who enthusiastically welcome each day inspire students to learn.

3) Monitoring Graduate Outcomes: Education is about instilling graduates with the skills and tools needed to launch rewarding adult lives; we need to know if we are successful.

4) Effective Use of Taxpayer Money: Students should get the best possible education that we, as a community, can afford.

5) Communication: Two-way communication with all members of the community is key to a strong, community-supported school.”


Name: Joan Plouffe (incumbent)

Party Affiliation: Democrat

Elected Position Sought: Police Commission

Address: 9 Sturges Road

E-mail: jplouffe@earthlink.net

Website / Social Network page: facebook.com/joan-plouffe-for-newtown-police-commission-103656201005609

Family information: Daughter Jessica is 21 and son David is 18. We also have a one-year-old yellow labrador retriever named Waffles.

Years Living in Newtown: 23

Education background: I am a graduate of Westhill High School in Stamford. I have a BA in speech communications from George Washington University, and a Juris Doctor from Syracuse University College of Law.

Current Occupation: Office manager.

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“The most significant issue currently facing the Police Commission is speeding. If reelected, I will work hard to ensure our roads are safe for our community.”

Name: Neil Chaudhary

Party Affiliation: Republican

Elected Position Sought: Police Commission

Address: 24 Merlins Lane

E-mail: nkc@4newtown.com

Website / Social Network page: facebook.com/neilfornewtown

Family information: Jennifer Chaudhary (23-years married); Children: Son (13) Daughter (11); Pets: Khaleesi (4), dog (havanese)

Years Living in Newtown: 16

Education background:

PhD Experimental Psychology, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York

M.Phil, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York

BA, University of Rochester

Current Occupation: CEO/ Owner Preusser Research Group Inc. Behavioral Scientist/ Traffic Safety Expert/Injury Prevention Researcher

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“I will use my experience, professional and otherwise, to better our public safety environment. Keeping Newtown as one of the safest towns in Connecticut is my goal. I have worked with dozens of police agencies across the nation over the past 17 years to develop programs that reduce death and injury on our roadways. It would be a privileged to bring my expertise to Newtown on a consistent basis. I have already had the privilege of working with Newtown for several projects funded by the CTDOT, including a recent project aimed at keeping Newtown’s children safer at school bus stops.”

Name: Joel Faxon (Incumbent)

Party Affiliation: Democrat

Elected Position Sought: Police Commission (Current Chairman, two-term incumbent)

Address: 38 Old Farm Hill Road

E-mail: jfaxon@faxonlawgroup.com

Website / Social Network page: faxonlawgroup.com

Family information:

Spouse / significant other: Carolyn;

Children: Julia, Christopher, and Connor

Years Living in Newtown: 18

Education background: Drew University, 1990; Vermont Law School, magna cum laude 1994

Current Occupation: Founding partner at Faxon Law Group Trial Lawyers

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“The top issue that the Police Commission must focus on is traffic calming and control. The volume of traffic has increased in town over my two terms in office, and we need to focus our efforts on making roadways as safe as possible while keeping traffic moving so as to minimize congestion.”

Name: Brian Budd (incumbent)

Party Affiliation: Republican

Elected Position Sought: Police Commissioner

Address: Rose Lane

E-mail: bbuddnrtc@gmail.com

Family Information: Married 29 years to my wife, Donna; three adult children

Years Living in Newtown: 26

Educational background: Bethel High School graduate 1981, Associates Degree WCSU 1994, Connecticut Police Academy graduate 1994, Sacred Heart Police Leadership Institute graduate 2013, Penn State Justice and Safety Institute Budgeting for Law Enforcement graduate 2015, FBI Command Leadership graduate 2019.

Current Occupation: Police Captain/Town of Stratford

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“Having served as a Police Commissioner with the Newtown Police Department for more than ten years, I understand that quality interactions between the public and our police department will continue to be a high priority. The dedication and hard work that our police department delivers to the public is not possible without committed leadership and accountability in the organization. I will continue to work with Chief Viadero and his staff to ensure that Newtown remains one of the safest towns in the United States. Our dedicated officers respond to calls for service in Newtown with diligence, compassion, and professionalism.”


Name: Corinne F. Cox (incumbent)

Party: Democrat

Position Sought: Planning and Zoning Commission

Address: 31 Pond Brook Road

Email: motherofcaver@aol.com

Family Information: Husband, Eugene Cox; Sons Aaron J. Cox and Lt. Col. Bruce A. Cox; Pet, Tee Cup, a rescue greyhound

Lived in Newtown: 50 years

Educational Background: AA., BS., MS., six-year in Reading, Degree in Language Arts, and certification in OG

Current Occupation: Oxford School System to teach Dyslexic Students to read

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“I have lived in Newtown for over 50 years, and I love this town. I want to continue to maintain the historic small town characteristic’s of Newtown. Being a retired teacher, I feel strongly about keeping our schools open and, most importantly, safe. Having been on Planning and Zoning for the past three years, I listen to what our citizens feel about projects that have been presented. I try to maintain the rural nature of Newtown. I am not afraid to vote no on projects that do not meet the above objectives.”

Name: Ben Toby (incumbent)

Party Affiliation: Democrat

Elected Position Sought: Planning and Zoning Commission

Address: 69 Alberts Hill Road

E-mail: btoby203@gmail.com

Website / Social Network page: Ben Toby for P&Z (Facebook)

Family information:

Spouse / significant other: Michelle Toby (English teacher at NHS)

Children: Daniel (22, Senior at UConn), Emily (20, Junior at Eckerd College in St Petersburg, Florida)

Pets: Dory (Corgi, age 12), Rosie (Golden Doodle, age 4)

Years Living in Newtown: 16

Education background:

Registered Professional Engineer, Connecticut # 0030093, expires Jan 2020

MS Civil Engineering, University of California Berkeley (1995)

BS Mechanical Engineering, University of California Irvine (1993)

BS Social Sciences, University of California Berkeley (1987)

Current Occupation: Director of Business Development, Prism Energy Services

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“A balance of respect for tradition, protection of open space, and an openness to new ideas is the strength of Newtown. I’ve lived in big cities most of my life. I know how special Newtown is. As an alternate on P&Z, I said No to a second gas station in Hawleyville and to fast food drive-throughs at exit 11. I push back against sprawl. Development is permanent, and open space is fleeting. I will do my best to welcome new ideas and new people like my family was welcomed, while preserving the delicate beauty of the town.”

Name: Roy Meadows (incumbent)

Party Affiliation: Republican

Elected Position Sought: Planning and Zoning Commissioner

Address: 43 Poverty Hollow Road

E-mail: meadowsrg@gmail.com

Family information: Spouse / significant other: Jane Brymer

Years Living in Newtown: 30

Education background:

Dyersburg TN High School graduate 1963;

BS in Chemical Engineering — University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn., 1968;

MS in Chemical Engineering — West Virginia University, Charleston, W.Va., 1976

Current Occupation: Retired Chemical Engineer from Dow/Union Carbide; currently doing handyman work part time, and licensing consulting.

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“As a Planning and Zoning Commissioner, I will attempt to balance the needs of the community with the desires of developers while maintaining the New England character of Newtown. Projects should be evaluated against Newtown’s Plan of Conservation and Development, and we must always evaluate the impact of a project on our traffic situation. Land use issues must be given a fair and complete public hearing, with all opinions taken into consideration. The land use decisions must cope with the impact on our community that has been created by the high housing density permitted under Connecticut’s Affordable Housing Regulations.”

Name: James Swift (incumbent)

No photo submitted

Party Affiliation: Republican

Elected Position Sought: Planning and Zoning

Address: 11 Cedarhurst Trail

E-mail: james.swift@att.net

Family information: Spouse, Theresa; children, Orlando and William; and Stella, our dog

Years Living in Newtown: 29

Current Occupation: Part-time building inspector, Monroe; part-time school bus driver

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“I’m against [drive-through] restaurants in Newtown. I’m wary of our design districts. While I am appreciative of the Design Advisory Board, I think our town would be best-served by sourcing this important role out to either a school of architecture or some entity that could give our commission professional design advise. I do not want to see our highway interchanges end up like every other town. Mixing commercial with residential can potentially backfire by encouraging commercial development that, absent the residential component, probably would not be built. Vacant store fronts is not something any town desires.”


Name: David Rosen (incumbent)

No photo submitted

Party Affiliation: Democrat

Elected Position Sought: Planning and Zoning Alternate (incumbent)

Address: 60 Sugar Lane

E-mail: david.rosen@charter.net

Family information:

Spouse / significant other: Joanna Rosen

Children: Katarina (17), Joshua (14), Elliot (12)

Pets: Zeus (Great Dane/lab mix), Phoebe (bassett hound puppy)

Years Living in Newtown: 15

Education background:

Bachelors Degree in Psychology — Cornell University 1993;

Masters of Business Administration — Yale University 2001;

Masters of Public Health — Yale University 2001

Current Occupation: Pharmaceutical marketing sciences

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“If elected, I intend to help Newtown increase its business base to relieve resident tax burden, while preserving the character of the town. I care deeply about the community and hope to help shape it to be a great place to live for years to come.”

Name: David Ruhs (incumbent)

Party Affiliation: Republican

Elected Position Sought: Planning and Zoning Alternate

Address: 8 Bridle Path Trail

E-mail: druhs@hotmail.com

Website / Social Network page: facebook.com/david-ruhs-planning-and-zoning-alternate-100965431328410

Family information:

Spouse / significant other: Nancy (Wife)

Children: Hannah and Sarah

Pets: Kaya (Australian Shepard )

Years Living in Newtown: Born here in 1971 — 48 years

Education background:

Newtown High School graduate, 1990;

Bachelor’s in International Business and Bachelor’s in Accounting/Finance and

Minor in French Literature — Northeastern University, 1995

Current Occupation: Owner/Operator of Ubreakifix in Brookfield

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“From my childhood days of delivering the Danbury News Times and Bridgeport Post, I have seen the many changes to the landscape of Newtown. I was on the Planning and Zoning board back in 2012-14, and most recently, I was asked to come back to the board, which I obliged. I am currently running for reelection, as I am passionate on having a voice on the development of the town and the aesthetics of new construction to keep in line with our history. I had such a wonderful childhood growing up here in town, and love the fact that my wife and I have the opportunity to share the same experience with our two daughters.”

Name: Andrew Marone

Party Affiliation: Democrat

Elected Position Sought: Alternate, Planning and Zoning Commission

Address: 3 Sycamore Drive

E-mail: maronefornewtown@gmail.com

Website / Social Network page: facebook.com/maronefornewtown

Family information:

Spouse / significant other: Carly

Children: Owen

Pets: Isabel (cat)

Years Living in Newtown: A little over one year

Education background:

BA in Political Science, UConn;

MA in Education Curriculum and Instruction, UConn;

Sixth-Year Certificate in Educational Leadership, SCSU

Current Occupation: Social Studies Teacher, Weston Public Schools

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“If elected to an alternate seat on the Planning and Zoning Commission, I plan to be a thoughtful voice as we discuss what will best serve our town today and for future generations. I will do my best to ensure that the needs of our neighbors are at the forefront of that discussion and will be a vocal advocate for the characteristics that will continue to make Newtown a vibrant and welcoming community.”

Name: Nick Cabral

Party Affiliation: Republican

Elected Position Sought: Alternate, Planning and Zoning Commission

(No profile returned)


Name: Ross Carley (incumbent)

Party Affiliation: Democrat

Elected Position Sought: Zoning Board of Appeals

Address: 66 Currituck Road

E-mail: vns1943@yahoo.com

Family information:

Spouse / significant other: Geraldine Carley

Children: Christopher Carley, Lindsay Carley Knauf

Pets: Orange cat name Koa

Years Living in Newtown: 32

Education background: Bassick High School Bridgeport Connecticut Plus some college

Current Occupation: Retired

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“I have been serving in many capacities as a volunteer and board member on several commissions over the last 15 years. I have served on the zoning board of appeals for 12 years and would love the opportunity to continue to serve our community.”

Name: Jane Sharpe (incumbent)

Party Affiliation: Republican

Elected Position Sought: Zoning Board of Appeals

Address: 62 Underhill Road

E-mail: jane@design-ltd.com

Family information:

Spouse: Don, recently deceased.

Children: Daughter, Kim Sharpe Mead, and son, Marcus Sharpe, both Newtown residents.

Years Living in Newtown: 52 years

Educational background:

Syracuse University, B.S. Journalism, B.A. English;

Yale University, postgraduate studies, Economics

Current Occupation: Connecticut and New York regional dealer for Ward Cedar Log Homes and Northeastern Log Homes.

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“Newtown is a wonderful place to live. Taxes are one of our town’s biggest challenges. The Zoning Board of Appeals doesn’t particularly impact taxes, but it is a factor in Newtown’s development. ZBA members care about the people in this town. We visit business, residential and construction sites, and at hearings, work hard to listen and assist when hardships impact common sense growth and development.”

Name: Prerna Rao (incumbent)

Party Affiliation: Democrat

Elected Position Sought: Zoning Board of Appeals

(No profile returned)

Name: Andrew Garthwait

(No photo submitted)

Party Affiliation: Republican

Elected Position Sought: Zoning Board of Appeals

Address: 3 Brassie Road

E-mail: garthwait51@yahoo.com

Family information:

Spouse / significant other: Wife of ten years, Jacqueline Garthwait;

Children: 8-year-old son, Mason Garthwait, and 5-year-old daughter, Sophie;

Years Living in Newtown: Third generation Newtowner

Education background: Newtown High School graduate, 1992; Bachelor of Arts Psychology Western Connecticut State University.

Current Occupation: Senior Business Development Manager at United Parcel Service.

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“If elected town the Newtown Board of Appeals, I believe it’s critical that we work together to maintain the character of charm of our town. I promise to be respectful and responsive to our residents and to help maintain visions of conservative growth, which will maintain our beautiful town. Furthermore, I am a firm believer it’s imperative to treat everyone with kindness and respect, regardless if we disagree or not, and I promise to take whatever action required to serve the best interest of the town of Newtown.”


Name: Christina Paradis (incumbent)

Party Affiliation: Democrat

Elected Position Sought: ZBA Alternate

Address: 85 Riverside Road

E-mail: christina.paradis@gmail.com

Family information:

Spouse / significant other: I have been married to Eric for 25 years.

Children: Simone, 18, and Camille, 15

Years Living in Newtown: 13

Education background: Shelton High School; BA, English, Penn State; MS, Computer Science, Southern Connecticut State University.

Current Occupation: IT at Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals in Ridgefield

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“Local government simply can’t function without the effort of people who live here and volunteer their time to do the work that needs to be done. I have been proud to serve alongside all the other volunteers on the ZBA, and I hope to continue. The people who come before our board are our neighbors. It is so important to always listen respectfully and have a fair process for making decisions.”

Name: Rachel Rowan

Party Affiliation: Republican

Elected Position Sought: Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate

Address: 65 Chipmunk Trail

E-mail: rrowan7285@yahoo.com

Family information:

Pets: Odin, adopted male pitbull rescue (age 6)

Years Living in Newtown: 29 years

Education background:

Saint Rose of Lima School, 2004;

Academy of Our Lady of Mercy: Lauralton Hall Graduate, 2008;

Bachelor’s Degree in Communications, UConn, 2012

Current Occupation and/or Employer: FuelCell Energy, Danbury

Title: Investor Relations, Communications Analyst

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“If elected, I will work to be responsive to the needs of Newtown’s residents and businesses, preserving the character of our town. As a lifelong resident of Sandy Hook, I believe my critical thinking, analytic and problem-solving skills can contribute to our town’s development. Working together to take collective action and generate solutions to problems improves the lives of our residents and ensures we are attracting and keeping talent. I will be a new dynamic voice for Newtown planning for the town’s future in a strategic way, encouraging desirable economic growth and initiating better engagement in town matters.”

Name: Joe Bojnowski (incumbent)

Party Affiliation: Democrat

Elected Position Sought: Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate

Address: 6 North Branch Road

E-mail: nbrllc@msn.com

Family information:

Spouse / significant other: Jane Bojnowski

Children: Five children

Pets: Yorkshire terrier, Madi

Years Living in Newtown: 38 years

Education background: Clarkson University, BS chemical engineering; University of Delaware, MS chemical engineering

Current Occupation and/or Employer: Self-employed

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“As a ZBA member, I will carefully consider the hardship for the variance request so that families are treated fairly, which will contribute toward helping our community grow.

Name: Robin Buchanan (incumbent)

Party Affiliation: Democrat

Elected Position Sought: Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate

(No profile returned)


Name: Alex Villamil (incumbent)

Party Affiliation: Democrat

Elected Position Sought: Board of Assessment Appeals

Address: 11 Antler Pine Road

E-mail: prismhsptng@aol.com

Family information:

Spouse / significant other: Vanessa Villamil

Children: Justin, Tristan, Ian, and Rowen Villamil

Pets: German shepherd, Samson; toy Australian shepherd, Coco; two cats, Piper and Milo; one turtle, Flumon Populus; and nine unnamed chickens.

Years Living in Newtown: 26

Education background:

West Hill High School, Stamford, 1987;

Boston University, 1991, Bachelor of Arts Degrees in international relations and history.

Current Occupation: Self-employed — painting and carpentry contractor.

If elected, how will you contribute towards making Newtown a better community for all?

“I was appointed to the Board of Assessment Appeals by our first Selectman Dan Rosenthal back in 2017. It has proven to be a meaningful and rewarding way that I could contribute to my town. I learned the process through the members already on the board. One of my primary goals upon being reelected is to put into good use everything that I have learned and work with my fellow board members towards streamlining this process for Newtown residents. I believe that we can make it a much more efficient as well as effective experience for them.”

Name: James McFarland (incumbent)

Party Affiliation: Republican

Elected Position Sought: Board of Assessment Appeals

(No profile returned)

Name: Brynn Cullen

Party Affiliation: Democrat

Elected Position Sought: Board of Assessment Appeals

(No profile returned)

Name: Seth Cohen

Party Affiliation: Republican

Elected Position Sought: Board of Assessment Appeals

(No profile returned)

Dennis Brestovansky
Deborra Zukowski
Joe Bojnowski
Christina Paradis
Ross Carley
Jane Sharpe
David Ruhs
Rachel Rowan
Ben Toby
Rebekah Harriman-Stites
Joel Faxon
Neil Chaudhary
Corinne Cox
Joan Plouffe
Roy Meadows
Brian Budd
Alex Vilamil
Andrew Marone
John Vouros
Comments are open. Be civil.

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