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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Places Trust In Bolinsky



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To the Editor:

Fellow citizens, vote for Mitch Bolinsky.

I trust him to vote for and against proposed bills in the General Assembly solely in the interests of Newtown and its residents.

There are two major issues facing the next session. One is revenue. It should be savings, but with our governor I can guarantee it is going to be revenue. Mitch has never voted for a tax increase, like tolls, for instance, and I trust him not to do so next year. While I cannot say conclusively that his opponent would raise our taxes, she does belong to the party which has an established record of doing so.

The second major issue is the threat of the state takeover of local zoning. There is a working draft of a bill laying in wait which would stand zoning on its head. It is 49 pages long entitled, “An Act... Concerning Zoning and Affordable Housing,” LC O No 3562. It mandates that every town over 5,000 population “allow residential buildings containing at least four dwelling units... on at least ten percent of land within the municipality, net of regulated inland wetlands...” I emphasize “at least.” It allows “any resident,” not just a resident who is personally impacted by a development proposal, to seek an affirmative injunction in court forcing the town “to comply with” the five sections of the proposal bill, which mandate multiple unit housing and related development.

I can attest to the fact that Newtown’s Land Use Department is already working to assure diversity in housing without such mandates from the state. Just watch “Diversity Discussion” number 3, moderated by John Voket of The Newtown Bee [https://www.facebook.com/thenewtownbee/videos/2746283308975807] to see the progress.

Mitch is the only candidate who I trust to reject such oppressive legislation. End of case.


Robert H. Hall

5 Nettleton Avenue, Newtown October 21, 2020

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