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It's time to fall back! On the first Sunday in November, that would be this one, November 4, areas on Daylight Saving Time return to Standard Time at 2 am. Be sure to set your clocks back an hour before you retire on Saturday night. Ahh, an extra h



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It’s time to fall back! On the first Sunday in November, that would be this one, November 4, areas on Daylight Saving Time return to Standard Time at 2 am. Be sure to set your clocks back an hour before you retire on Saturday night. Ahh, an extra hour of snooze time. That’s one good bit of news.

With so much destruction in the regions surrounding us, we are grateful to find that Newtown’s damage from Hurricane Sandy this past Monday has amounted to mostly an inconvenience in our town. I hope you are able to access our newtownbee.com site for continuing updates. The good news is that already by Wednesday morning, power outages had decreased to 69 percent of the town, down from the high of 97 percent at the height of the storm. (The number has been jumping around as workers temporarily shut off power to complete other repairs.)

As they have done for the past two community crises, the Newtown Youth Academy at Fairfield Hills has graciously opened their doors to residents in need of a shower or a place to recharge phones and computers. Their wi-fi is up so Newtown residents can work using their laptops. What I’ve heard is that as of Wednesday morning, more than 40 nonmembers came in and used the showers and the facility, above and beyond the NYA members and their families. NYA provides this at no charge, as a community service.

I had my black cat costume all ready to wear trick-or-treating up and down Main Street on Wednesday night, when I learned that First Selectman Pat Llodra and Borough Warden James Gaston had agreed that it would be wise to discourage visitors to the center of town on October 31. I’ll look forward to the substitute event, Halloween on Main Street, from 5:30 to 8 pm, this Sunday evening, November 4, or just continue to wear my catty costume until next year — as  I always do.

Did you get a chance to cast your vote for the Newtown Middle School Scarecrow Contest, before they had to be dismantled ahead of the storm? Counting of the ballots will take place once school resumes, so be sure to check newtownbee.com for results. Next week’s print edition of The Bee will list Scarecrow Contest winners, as well.

I hope you sat tight on your piles of used books while the storm winds blew. Don’t forget that the Friends of the C.H. Booth Library are looking for your books, CDs, DVDs, and LPs at a special Book Donation Day this coming Sunday, November 4, from noon to 5 pm. Bring your donations to the rear of the library at 25 Main Street and they will be gladly taken in by Friends volunteers. If you can’t drop off your donation, please call 203-270-4537 to arrange pickup by a Friends volunteer.

Now that the weather has calmed down, take a few minutes to enjoy Newtown’s beautiful vistas from one of several benches installed on town properties this past month. One in particular caught my eye: placed near the tennis courts of Dickinson Park, the bench celebrates resident Sue Gardner, who has taught hundreds of Newtown kids over many years — and continues to do so — to play tennis. What a nice surprise for her!

C.H. Booth librarian Kim Weber and hubby Jack have recently returned from a trek down into the Grand Canyon, as well as a visit to daughter Dr Caitlin Weber, in Texas. Curiosity is killing this cat: I wonder what books a librarian backpacks into the depths of one of nature’s greatest wonders? Into the Wild? Brighty of the Grand Canyon? The 39 Steps?

Frank and Sandy Navone are getting ready to present their 11th Annual Folk Art Santas Open House, but Santa’s local workshop is on the move this year. Instead of the Navones’ home studio, this year’s presentation of hand carved and painted folk art Santa figures will be presented November 10 and 11, 10 am to 5 pm each day, at Panificio Navona, a bakery that Frank recently opened at 7 Francis J. Clarke Circle in Bethel. Two new woodland Santas will be exhibited this year, joining a number of favorites Frank and Sandy will have returning to welcome their guests. Refreshments will be offered, certainly to feature the baking of Frank and his staff, and there is no charge to visit the bakery.

The collection for supplies for our local animal shelter continues through Friday, November 9. Drop off your donations of items like IAM dry food, Nutro Max mini chunks, pig’s ears, squeak toys, tennis balls, choke chain collars, and slide leashes in the box located by the front door of The Newtown Bee at 5 Church Hill Road. Cleaning supplies, including bleach and ammonia, towels, detergents, and big black garbage bags, are also welcomed. Remember, times are “Ruff!” for our canine friends, too.

Next Thursday evening, November 8, from 5 to 7 pm, is the open house preview for the Annual Harvest Bazaar, at the Newtown Senior Center on Riverside Road. It’s a great chance to snap up some early purchases, before the crowds move Friday through Sunday. I understand the seniors have been hard at work all year, and that there is a selection of wonderful handcrafted items for sale, not to mention a bake sale. See you there!

I’ll be hard at work digging up the big news around Newtown in the coming days, and that will give you good reason to… Read me again.

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