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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Cultural Events

‘Take Your Child To The Library Day’ Offering Free Family Events



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When was the last time you took your child to the library? Or visited the library yourself?

On Saturday, February 4, public libraries throughout Connecticut and beyond, including Newtown’s C.H. Booth Library, will celebrate the 12th Annual Take Your Child to the Library Day with free events and activities for children and families.

Take Your Child to the Library Day celebrates the importance of the library in the life of a child. Children who are proficient in reading by the end of grade 3 are significantly more likely to graduate high school, opening doors to a bright future.

Libraries help families build solid foundations of literacy and love of learning by providing access to books, early literacy story times, technology access, homework help, online resources, and fun, safe spaces to explore and grow.

“Take Your Child to the Library Day activities are happening in 142 communities around Connecticut,” said Ellen Paul, executive director of the Connecticut Library Consortium, the nonprofit organization that supports the event.

“Taking children to the library helps them develop a love of reading and learning. Choosing and checking out their own materials helps children learn independence and sharing. Library books and technology open access to the world and fuel children’s curiosity and passions,” Paul added. “And library programs provide countless opportunities for learning, discovering, making friends, and having fun! If you want your children to become thoughtful, engaged citizens, start by bringing them to the library on Take Your Child to the Library Day or any day.”

For this year’s Take Your Child to the Library Day celebration, special programs are being planned to delight families from one end of the state to the other, including the following (all programs take place on Saturday, February 4, unless otherwise noted):

C.H. Booth Library, at 25 Main Street, is hosting a Take Your Child to the Library Day Theater Games and Improv Class for children 11 and up at 11 am, games for the whole family from 1 to 4 pm, and an Introduction to Taekwondo for children ages 5-9 at 2 pm. Registration is requested and can be done by calling 203-426-4533 or at chboothlibrary.org.

Southbury Public Library, 100 Poverty Road in Southbury, is planning a Take Your Child to the Library Day Open House Craft-A-Thon for children and teens of all ages. Call 203-262-0626 or visit southburylibrary.org for details.

There is also lots of fun planned at Brookfield Library on February 4: a 10 am Donuts with Your Grown-up story time, a 1 pm literacy and school readiness program from Two Right Feet Arts performing "Winter Woods and Wouldn’ts," featuring rhythmic music, dramatic readings, mime, sing-a-longs, a guessing game, and a creative dance that everyone can join. The library will also be giving out Grab & Go craft kits, and there will be a fun iSpy challenge in the Children’s Area of the library. All activities are for ages 3 and up. Call 203-775-6241 or visit brookfieldlibrary.org for additional details.

Take Your Child to the Library Day at Danbury Library (170 Main Street) will have reading, joy, and exploration on the junior floor from 10 am until 1 pm. Show your love for the library with themed crafts, learn about the children’s book collection with a scavenger hunt, play games, hear stories, and win some prizes, too. Call 203-797-4505 or visit danburylibrary.org for additional information.

These are just a few examples of the many free, engaging activities being offered at public libraries across Connecticut for Take Your Child to the Library Day. To learn more, visit takeyourchildtothelibrary.org/ct

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