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“Newtown Together — Racism in the United States: Allyship in Action”
May 05, 2021 at 07:00 pm
Start Time: 7:00 pm || End Time: 8:00 PM

Hosted by C.H. Booth Library

Katie Burton and Aqua Drakes will offer finalé of three-part series* hosted by the library, empowering participants to enact anti-racist sentiments and allyship in their own lives through scenarios, scripts and emphasis on language and color consciousness meant to offer actions applicable for workplaces, schools, and interpersonal relationships, registration required for program link; 203-426-4533, chboothlibrary.org.

*Programs can also be taken in independently of full series, according to presenters 

Read more here: Lectures To Offer Tools For Race-Based Conversations
