“Candid Conversations — An Ongoing Series About Dementia: Navigating the Holidays with Dementia”

November 16, 2023 at 05:00 pm
Start Time: 5:00 pm || End Time: 7:00 PM
Maplewood at Stony Hill, 46 Stony Hill Road/Route 6, Bethel
Christine Marnelakis, CDP (memory care director, Maplewood at Stony Hill) will offer helpful strategies in navigating the holidays with dementia, including insight into common challenges that arise when celebrating the holidays with loved ones with dementia, and tips for reducing stress and anxiety for everyone involved, part of Maplewood’s ongoing series with a safe and welcoming space to engage in meaningful conversations with experts and individuals, registration requested; 203-207-4100, StonyRSVP@MaplewoodSL.com.