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To the Editor:



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To the Editor:

As voters are considering candidates for Legislative Council positions in the upcoming election, some observations on the past performance of two candidates may be helpful.

I have worked with George Ferguson, a candidate in District 1, as a member of the Conservation Commission for the past 3-plus years. In late 2007, the commission considered the potential purchase of the Brook Heights property on Pond Brook as a likely dead end. George assumed leadership of the negotiations where he patiently persisted and eventually negotiated a purchase of the property by the town for significantly less than its appraised value. George also worked with an adjacent landowner to encourage and guide him through the gift process. This gift resulted in a great new passive recreation area for residents adjacent to the Pond Brook purchase. George continues to consider innovative new ways to preserve additional properties for Newtown’s citizens.

I’ve also worked with James Belden, a District 3 candidate, for the past five years as a member of the Pootatuck Watershed Association and Trout Unlimited. James was a key part of forming the Pootatuck Watershed Association and has chaired the board since its formation, spearheading public awareness programs and education regarding protection of our sensitive drinking and surface water resources here in Newtown. James was also instrumental in getting the US EPA to allow Newtown to invest in a Supplemental Environmental Project stream improvement project rather than simply paying a fine after the Reed School oil spill. He has also shown considerable skill in obtaining multiple grants of approximately $250,000 for projects in Newtown, including improvements in Dickinson Park and in the Pootatuck Watershed.

These two gentlemen have accomplished good things for the town. Regardless of political party, you will probably want to vote to elect George Ferguson in District 1 and James Belden in District 3 to the Legislative Council.

Joe Hovious

3 Leopard Drive, Sandy Hook                                    October 20, 2009

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