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NHS Educators Share Math Pathways With School Board Ahead Of Eighth Grade Orientation Night



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While Newtown High School Math Department Chair Lauren Dominick and Principal Lorrie Rodrigue introduced two new possible courses for NHS to the Board of Education at its meeting on Tuesday, January 17, they also spoke about a new website that is expected to be unveiled at the Eighth Grade Parent and Student Night slated for Monday, February 6 (snow date February 13).

The presentation also described a plan to resequence math programs at the high school. The resequence plan includes the addition of the two new algebra courses, if approved by the school board at a future meeting.

"We're confident both the courses and the resequencing will better support our math learners at the high school level, and this will continue to ensure our students are competitive for college and career [ready]," Dr Rodrigue said.

Ms Dominick explained there are three ideas to help support student success: The resequencing or realignment of algebra and geometry courses, adding the two new proposed algebra courses, and the new website.

The number of students taking four years of math has grown over the years, according to Ms Dominick, and interest will continue to grow as colleges place importance on it.

Ms Dominick said the Math Pathways website, which is still being worked on before it is unveiled, will have curriculum guides, syllabi, and example math problems that students might be asked to complete in courses.

"This pathways website is set to be presented at the eighth grade orientation," said Ms Dominick, before she logged on to demonstrate the site for the school board members.

Ms Dominick said the website will be "crucial."

"It helps parents and students see what their pathway will look like going from Reed Intermediate School to the middle school to the high school," said Ms Dominick, "so they can see what their math pathway or what their science pathway might look like."

Ms Dominick and Dr Rodrigue also showed a graph that demonstrated how students and parents could use the website to see which courses students should take in order to be able to take other courses later on.

The school board will vote whether to add the two proposed math courses to NHS at a future board meeting.

Eighth Grade Parent And Student Night

The scheduled Eighth Grade Parent and Student Night is slated for Monday, February 6; snow date, February 13. The event will be held at NHS, 12 Berkshire Road.

The evening is for eighth grade students and their parents.

The event will begin at 5 pm with an elective fair in the high school's lobby, which will run until 7 pm. From 6 to 6:30, information about high school athletics will be offered in the school's gymnasium. A presentation for the eighth graders and their parents will be held in the school's gymnasium, starting at 7.

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