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Make A Difference: Vote



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To the Editor:

Sadly, our government is broken. Politicians no longer seek results through compromise. It often feels like their primary objective is to get themselves and fellow party members elected.

It is time for politicians to put the voters first and do the job we have entrusted them to do.

Be the difference: Vote in the upcoming midterm elections on November 6.

But before you cast your ballot, discover how the candidates think on the issues that impact you. Use your vote to hold the politicians accountable and make them pay attention to the issues you care about.

Let it be known that the time has come for them to stand up for the people they serve.

Medicare is a deal that must not be broken. We must keep the promise of affordable quality health care for seniors.

Social Security is not an entitlement. Americans have worked hard and have paid into Social Security with every paycheck. We must keep Social Security strong so current and future generations get the benefits they have earned.

Ask your candidate why Americans continue to pay the highest prescription drug prices in the world. Have them explain what they plan to do to stop this ever-increasing problem. No one should have to choose between food and medicine.

We have a caregiving crisis. More than 40 million Americans care for older parents, spouses, children, and adults with disabilities, helping them to live independently in their homes and communities — where they want to be.

Are you aware that Connecticut can serve three loved ones at home for the cost of each person in a nursing home? These family caregivers are the backbone of America’s care system, yet they continue to face physical, emotional, and financial challenges. Ask your candidate what they are doing to help these people.

Medicaid must continue to ensure seniors and our most vulnerable citizens have access to the services they need to stay in their homes, where they want to be. This not only saves taxpayers money, but is good, commonsense policy.

Be the difference: Vote

Andrea and Alan Jacobs

17 D Butterfield Road, Newtown         October 5, 2018

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