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Why The Rush On A New Police Station?



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To the Editor:

What is the rush to build the new police station?

Mr Rosenthal apparently believes the vote to approve the new police station is a mere formality. Why is he so concerned about Taunton Press not selling the building to the Town of Newtown? If they had a better offer, they would have sold it years ago.

The fact that their business model has changed and they have to sell their properties is not the town’s concern. Everyone has been affected by the new digital economy and if any one company or individual does not adapt, then they will be left behind.

What was the motivation for the town to purchase Fairfield Hills?

In my opinion, it was to provide a location for municipal buildings, as well as open space for the enjoyment of the citizens.

The cost savings according to Mr Rosenthal are a mere fraction of the annual budget and even less if amortized over the 30-year use of the police station. By deferring the demolishing of the existing buildings the cost of the removal of the contaminated buildings will only increase over time.

In addition, Fairfield Hills is a better location than Route 25, being in the center of the town.

If we are not going to use our own property, then let’s sell it and recoup our expenditure in purchasing the property.

The Taunton Press building is not in move in condition and has to be expanded.

Frankly, my first thought in this matter was — as some of the “older” residents will remember — the fiasco of the purchase of the Amaral property for ball fields for millions of dollars.

Let’s not bail out another local business.

Vote NO on the purchase of the Taunton building!

Thank You.

Neil Ratner

32 Gelding Hill Road, Sandy Hook         October 18, 2018

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