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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Cultural Events

NHS Class Of 1974 50th Anniversary Reunion Being Organized



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Organizers for the NHS Class of 1974 are pleased to announce that in honor of their 50-year graduation anniversary, they are proposing an event of grand proportions.

The local event will be open to graduates, non-graduates, and friends and family of students from the infamous first class to have matriculated four years at the “new” high school at 12 Berkshire Road.

The event will be held sometime between August 31 and November 30.

A date, time and location for the event will be announced by March 1, but interested parties are strongly encouraged to contact the event organizers ASAP so that a level of interest can be determined. Organizers remind their classmates and friends that the more the merrier.

To join the planning and stay up-to-date, NHS Class of 1974 alumni are encouraged to find and join the Newtown CT Class of ‘74 & More 50-Year Reunion In 2024 group on Facebook or contact the committee at newtownclass1974@gmail.com or 910-664-3056.

Organizers for the NHS Class of 1974 are pleased to announce that in honor of their 50-year graduation anniversary, they are proposing an event of grand proportions.
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