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South Main Collision



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South Main Collision

Police report a two-vehicle accident at 71 South Main Street about 4 pm February 22.

Motorist Benjamin Keeney, 53, of 16 Pepperidge Road, who was driving a 1994 Ford Ranger pickup truck, was pulling out from a parking lot onto northbound South Main Street, as motorist Bonnie McCarthy, 49, of Danbury was driving a 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse convertible northward on South Main Street, police report.

As the truck was pulling onto the street, the two vehicles collided, police said. There were no injuries. Police issued Keeney a written warning for failure to grant the right of way.

Two Charges

At about 4:45 pm February 26, police arrested Ed Raposo, 48, of 12 Elana Lane on a warrant in connection with a January 22 incident. Police charged Raposo with third-degree assault and with disorderly conduct. After processing, police released Raposo on $1,000 bail for a March 13 court appearance.

Ford Off Road

At about 7 am February 21, motorist Jessica Simonson, 17, of 6 Joan Drive was driving a 1999 Ford Taurus southward on High Rock Road, when she braked and then started to make a right turn onto Kelly Court, police said.

The Ford encountered an icy roadway and went into a skid, hitting some curbing, police said. The auto then broke through some wooden fencing, rolled down an embankment, and drove over some brush and large rocks before coming to rest and the edge of a brook, police said.

Simonson was not injured. Police took no enforcement due to road conditions.

Key Rock Crash

Police report an accident involving a pickup truck and a sedan in front of 8 Key Rock Road about 9:30 am February 26.

Motorist Donato Telesco, 56, of 31 Great Hill Road, who was driving a 1993 Ford F-150, was backing out of the driveway at 8 Key Rock Road, as motorist Mark Berkowitz, 40, of Southbury was driving a 2002 Toyota Camry southward on Key Rock Road, police said. The two vehicles collided. The area has limited motorist sight lines.

There were no injuries. Police verbally warned Telesco for unsafe backing.

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