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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Coaching Critics, Book Challengers — No Relation



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To the Editor:

I have not written a response to The Newtown Bee in a long time.

My children are long out of the school system but I have to respond to the letter by a former coach in the April 14 edition. He had many years of coaching and stated it was parental involvement that ruined sports for kids and leads to coaches quitting.

This may or may not be true.

However, I completely disagree with his comment that it is the book banners yelling at the coach and refs from the sidelines. How dare you!

What does one have to do with the other??

This is a typical argument that lumps people together if they do one thing and you simply expect those people to do something else you don't agree with. I happen to agree that the books discussed do not belong in our school libraries.

So, you are now assuming I would have also been the parent yelling at coaches and refs? Please stay on topic and not associate two separate groups of people together.

Also, I am the pro when it comes to my children and I have the responsibility to guide and protect them during their growing years. That is how it works.

Janis Solheim

Sandy Hook

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