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Afternoon Delight On Wheels At Middle Gate



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Afternoon Delight On Wheels At Middle Gate

By Larissa Lytwyn

Each fall and spring, Middle Gate Elementary School students grades K–4 gather on the blacktop for an afternoon of skating and rollerblading fun.

“We’ve been doing it for a few years now,” said Middle Gate PTA member Katherine Kohrman, herself clad in skating gear.

“The kids have to bring their own skates or rollerblades and gear.”

Once safely dressed, the blacktop plays host to a variety of skating levels, from beginners to advanced.

Ms Kohrman’s children, including Middle Gate student Yossi and Reed fifth grader Lila, said they loved getting together with friends and siblings to enjoy the afternoon.

“We do a lot of really cool games [organized by Middle Gate physical education teachers Tony Sorintino and Laura Cooper] like Building & Bulldozers,” said Lila.

The popular activity involves one team knocking down cones and the other group attempting to alight them — all atop their blades.

The seemingly simple activity becomes an often-amusing challenge.

Another well-liked diversion is “Toss the Chicken,” a hot potatolike game in which players have to toss rubber chickens around in a circle to music.

When the music stops, whoever is holding the chicken is “out.”

“The kids just love those rubber chickens!” laughed Ms Kohrman.

 Middle Gate kindergartners Gabrielle Chan and Heather Liscinsky said they just learned how to roller skate.

Heather donned the skates for the first time on April 29, the day before the latest Middle Gate Rollerblading Day.

She moved gingerly around the blacktop, often holding hands, giggling, with Gabrielle.

Gabrielle said she had also begun skating just recently. “I like it,” she said. “It’s fun!”

Lila said she began skating at age 4, just around the age of Heather and Gabrielle.

“I love the rollerblading days at Middle Gate,” she said. “They are always a great time! I do it a few times every year, if I can.”

Mothers often accompany their kindergarteners on the blacktop while parents of older students sit on the grass and watch their children play.

Like Ms Kohrman, several of the mothers try rollerblading themselves.

Often, the moms are joined by some of Middle Gate’s faculty.

“It’s a great time for everybody!” declared Gabrielle.

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