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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Borough Facts First



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To the Editor:

I would like to correct some misinformation that appeared in two recent Letters to the Editor regarding the Borough budget. First, the Borough fiscal year ends June 30th, not March 31st. As the fiscal year has not ended, there are still expenses that must be paid. The general funds held by the Borough will not be $700,000 on June 30, 2019. Second, the Borough is using a sizable amount of funds in next year’s budget. Third, the mill rate will be at a seven-year low. Fourth, as the previous writers know, at the urging of many residents, the Borough is planning a significant sidewalk expansion down Sugar Street, a State highway. Fifth, the few Borough elected officials that do receive a stipend for the hours of weekly work compute to far less than minimum wage. If the wages were equal to town rates, the costs would more than quadruple. These workers have not had an increase in six years. If we lose valuable people willing to do the work for a fraction of the minimum wage, it will only cost us more to replace them at competitive salaries. Finally, at fiscal year-end in 2020, it is anticipated that Borough funds will be equal to that approved by the Borough auditors.

I hope this helps clarify Borough budget facts.

Thank you.

Jim Gaston

18 Main Street, Newtown         May 8, 2019

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