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Student Art Highlighted Across The District



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Student Art Highlighted Across The District

By Eliza Hallabeck

Artwork created by students since the start of the 2010-11 academic year was highlighted at Hawley Elementary School, Sandy Hook Elementary School, and Head O’ Meadow Elementary School recently with three separate night of art events.

Hawley was the first to hold its annual art show, with parents, students, and relatives attending the Thursday, May 5, event. As in the past, Hawley Principal Jo-Ann Peters-Edmondson greeted visitors at the main entrance of the school. Hawley art teacher Vicki Sheskin also spoke to visitors and greeted students, past and present, to the school.

Artwork, ranging from sculptures to drawings, hung from the hallway walls and decorated Hawley’s library as students pointed out their own work to parents and other visitors.

Each year parent volunteers at each of the three elementary schools help in different ways to support the annual events.

Sandy Hook art teacher Leslie Gunn was busy in the school’s art room on Thursday, May 12, for that school’s annual art night. With sticky adhesive still under her fingernails from busily hanging student artwork around the school, Ms Gunn welcomed visitors to the art room to see student sculptures.

In other areas of the school, Egyptian murals, self-portraits, and more work created by students were displayed for visitors to see.

A sign welcomed visitors to Head O’ Meadow on Tuesday, May 17, for its “School of Art Gallery 2011.” Visitors walked through the building to see artwork decorating the walls and tables. Art teacher Donna Perugini also greeted visitors to the exhibit and pointed out some of the different art projects made throughout the school year.

As listed in a pamphlet for the exhibit, each grade level was represented by multiple works of art created by different classes. From Claude Monet-inspired water lilies to “Grecian” pottery, visitors saw a large scope of projects created throughout the 2010-11 academic year at Head O’ Meadow.

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