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Dazed And Confused



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Dazed And Confused

To the Editor:

After reading through the articles in The Bee this week regarding the budget, budget discussions, and the P&Z meeting on a Fairfield Hills Master Plan, I am more confused than ever.

The article titled “Third Budget Attempt Fails By 86 Votes” states that “no matter how many budget failures may occur this year, legal authorizations and other binding aspects of an existing bond resolution have transpired to the point where the new town offices will go forward.” Yet, on the very same page in the article “P&Z Endorses Fairfield Hills Master Plan Revisions” it is stated in a quote from Mr Wilson, “I’m still not sure that we need a new town hall.” That doesn’t sound as if the new town hall is a “done deal.”

Didn’t the town vote down the master plan in 2003? Doesn’t that mean that aside from the approval to purchase the property that we, as a town, have not yet decided on the adoption and implementation of a plan?

I don’t pretend to understand all the ins and outs of this issue, but it seems pretty clear to me that if some members of our Planning and Zoning Commission don’t think we need a new town hall, nor do the hundreds of residents who attended public meetings to speak out against it, the insistence of the first selectman and the Legislative Council that it will go forward whether we like it or not seems a little odd.

I support academic excellence in Newtown, it’s a big part of the reason we moved to town in 2001. I support doing what needs to be done to our high school to avoid losing accreditation. I support the necessary maintenance to the schools so that the now-closed middle school auditorium can be re-opened. I support a long-term plan for Newtown that will encourage business development (not retail, but capital industry that might actually bring in some tax dollars). I do not support a new town hall. I will vote Yes on the budget because I feel it’s the only way for us to move forward. I will support any candidate in November who has a vision for the long-term future of this town and actually listens to what the voters want.


Joanne Marcinek

22 Honey Lane, Sandy Hook                                            May 29, 2007

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