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To the Editor:

I am responding to the Editorial Ink Drops regarding the issue of mail-in ballots being “common sense” in the coming election because of the COVID-19 situation. In the context of our American republic, it is actually contrary to common sense. I understand that COVID-19 seems to have sparked fear in many people, but if activist groups such as Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ can gather together freely with little to no backlash from the government about decreasing the spread, why can’t citizens gather to vote at polling places?

The author informed readers that mail-in voter fraud is rare, however it occurs more frequently than with in-person voting, according to MIT’s Election Lab. Presently, because only five states conduct mail-in voting for elections, operating that system on a larger scale would be a grand experiment. While the author argues that polling places can be “problematic” because of things like under-trained staff and new machines, they ignore the potential for problems with a mail-in system. Who is going to be held accountable for ensuring that ballots aren’t altered or harvested by a third party?

Our current governor is at fault for introducing an irresponsible executive order to encourage a radical change in our voting system. Ned Lamont’s Executive Order 7QQ disregards existing Connecticut law that states you must have a valid reason to request an absentee ballot. “Concerns” about COVID-19 does not qualify for any of the six reasons that allow for an absentee ballot, including: out of town on the day of voting; sick or disabled; in the military; physical disability; election day duties; or religious belief.

It is risky and inconsiderate to open such a high stakes election like the President of the United States to the potential for mail-in voter fraud. Introducing a third party in the voting process outside the secure system of in-person voting, all based on an assumption that citizens are fearful of a virus is wrong, and moves away from our American republic.

Amanda LoCascio

9 Overlook Drive, Newtown July 3, 2020

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