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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Learning A Range Of Artistic Concepts At Camp



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Although Friday, August 1, was the last day of the Paint, Draw & More!’s Drawing Mixed Media weeklong camp offered through Newtown Parks & Recreation, students would go home not only with a number of finished projects, but also with new insight on various artistic concepts.

“I want to make the camp fun, and I want them to learn something at the same time,” said instructor Chuck Fulkerson, who taught the Newtown Parks & Recreation camp for four weeks this summer.

Students learned a number of artistic techniques, such as how to work with chalk, pastel, oil pastel, watercolor, acrylic, crayon, sculpture, clay, and more. Students even learned how to make a 3-D aquarium made out of recycled trays and containers.

“Each student is given a sketchbook where they draw in them each day. I try and teach them to draw not how they think something looks but the way it actually is. Drawing is observations,” said Mr Fulkerson.

Students learned about light, shadow, and reflection concepts, which many of the kids used in their projects.

“My favorite part of the class was drawing stick figures very realistic and learning about the shadowing effect and how to make things, such as trees, look more real as well,” said student Lauren Uffer.

Not only did students paint and draw, but they even learned anatomy.

Allison Briggs and Abigail McManus both said they learned that a person’s eyes are “actually in the middle of the face” and “not up near your forehead.” Allison and Abigail also said they learned these artistic facts from Mr Fulkerson when they were paired with another student in the class and then had to draw their partner.

“The [portrait] was my favorite project. I drew my friend Allison,” said student Julia Levine.

While Julia enjoyed drawing her friend, Emily Joyce’s favorite part was learning how to draw hands better.

“In the end, I tell my students that if they want to be artists they need to practice everyday. It’s like playing an instrument. Practice is key,” said Mr Fulkerson.

For more information on Paint, Draw & More! visit .paintdrawmore.com

Drawing Mixed Media student Julia Levine held up a sculpture she made during the weeklong camp.
Drawing Mixed Media instructor Chuck Fulkerson posed for a picture with his students, who each held up their favorite project. Students from left are Lauren Uffer, Abigail McManus, Allison Briggs, Emily Joyce, and Julia Levine.
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