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Theater Review: Brilliant, Captivating ‘Red’ In Brookfield



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BROOKFIELD — The Brookfield Theatre for the Arts has produced John Logan’s Red for their August production. It is captivating.

The play stands out for its brilliant portrayal of a struggling, frustrated, and aging artist. Under the direction of Sherry Asch, not a moment is wasted in this rich and powerful production, which has just two performances remaining.

The cast of this two-man show could not have been better suited for these complex roles.

Mark Rothko, played by Miles Everett, is an established, renowned painter. He hires Ken, an intern of sorts, played by Todd Santa Maria.

Ken is a young and deeply traumatized artist who reveres and yet fears Rothko. Rothko reveres only himself. The two men gnaw and cling to each other as one tries desperately to hold onto his relevance while the other is clawing his way up a rickety ladder to prominence.

Needing a father figure, Ken is at the mercy of Rothko until he can stay quiet no more. Rothko sees the possibility in Ken’s genius, first rejecting then promoting it, in spite of the threat it is to his own status.

Santa Maria brings an innocence and easily intimidated character to Ken, yet when he finds his resolve and determination, he is fully committed.

Everett, as the artistic giant that was Rothko, creates a larger-than-life image of a man who charges at everyone and everything around him. Stillness finds him only when he is pondering his work. He lacks curiosity in anyone, until a small kernel of humanity is ignited and he knows what he must do.

Designed by Andrew Okell, the set is dimly lit and disorganized, providing the perfect backdrop for the lair in which these two come to terms with each other.

This play is exceptional, as was this production. Don’t miss it.

Remaining performances are Friday and Saturday, August 20-21, at the Brookfield Theatre for the Arts, 184 Whisconier Road (Route 25). Call 203-775-0023 or visit brookfieldtheatre.org for reservations and additional information.

Ken (Todd Santa Maria, left) and Rothko (Miles Everett) view a painting in progress during a rehearsal for Red by John Logan. Directed by Sherry Asch, the exceptional production’s limited run at the Brookfield Theatre for the Arts continues only through August 21. —Tom Heydenburg photo
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