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Common Sense Vs Increased Education Spending



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To the Editor,

The Superintendent’s belief of increasing spending to achieve improved student performance in preparation for entry into college seems logical to justify tax increases. But after a new Director for Teaching and Learning was added, we never get statistical results that there was a return on investment.

Now we find that we will have to pay for an additional 33 individuals in the Newtown school system. Yet the student population is in decline. And a majority of high school students entering college do not possess the required intellectual skills necessary for attaining success according to a recent Harvard report. Then consider a recent international report on student performance showed dismal results for American students performance which put them at 37th rank in math skills and in low percentile in language skills.

The obvious evaluation which most parents make who consider these factors is that our kids are getting a good education because we trust our educators. Few parents are willing to challenge the current school curriculum and instruction unless there are indications that educators are using their teaching to politicize and indoctrinate students minds. Now we read and hear about angry parents challenging the curriculum approved by Boards of Education in many States.

It seems that more and more parents are concerned about the their children’s instruction. But are they justified in intruding in the “Sacred Halls of Academia”?

Is it possible that these parents are claiming the right to evaluate the curriculum and instruction as a result of the politicization of American education? Is it a good idea to periodically ask for performance evaluation related to the “cognitive skill development” of students during the school year from a school superintendent and his administrators? Considering the reports cited, this evaluation could be instrumental in improving student intellectual abilities. Performance reports are often required in any commercial enterprise. But does this apply to our current academic leaders to whom we have entrusted our children’s future?

Dr Rudy Magnan

Sandy Hook

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