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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA




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The 1.3 million-square-foot Danbury Fair Mall, touted as the largest mall ever built in New England, should have its grand opening within a month or so. Although scheduled for Thursday, September 25, the opening could be delayed by about two weeks, due to delays in completing a new ramp system to Route 7. When the mall opens, two anchor stores — G. Fox and Sears — will open their doors, as will the majority of the more than 140 other stores. In addition to the two main anchors, J.C. Penney and Macy’s have signed contracts to take two large stores in the mall.


Officials in area towns soon will be asked to make a definite commitment toward the planned regional garbage-to-energy incinerator, by promising to have their garbage trucked there for the next 20 years. The newly created Housatonic Regional Resources Recovery Authority is reviewing possible plant sites.


A moose is loose in the Housatonic Valley, and was last sighted through the kitchen window of Jay Russell of Currituck Road in Newtown. Mr Russell’s mother-in-law, Marion Edery, said her son-in-law first saw the moose at about 7 pm, while sitting quietly at the kitchen table. “He thought he saw something in the window,” and got up to take a second look, she said. There were the antlers and placid face of an immovable moose, who in his cross county flight from somewhere far north, had come to stop at this house for what seemed to be a brief rest. The bull moose probably comes from the north, said Sgt Thomas Daniels, a conservation officer with the Department of Environmental Protection. The animal appears to be lost, so DEP’s approach to getting the moose back to its natural habitat, for now, is to leave it alone.

September 8, 1961

Townspeople and motoring public of the area will be disappointed to learn that the State Highway Commissioner thinks it “problematical” whether Interstate 84 will open through Newtown by fall of 1962. Commissioner Ives revealed this in a letter. Rapid progress on the Newtown portion of the highway, relocating Route 6, has led townspeople to believe that traffic on the present Route 6 will soon be relieved. The commissioner’s letter dampens this belief.


Two outstanding stars of the New York Giants football team will present trophies at the Little League annual outing, which will be held on Saturday, September 9, from noon to 5 pm, at the Italian Community Center. Joseph Walton, offensive end, and Joel Wells, famous Giant halfback, will be on hand for the official presentation of the trophies to teams and the players.


This year, the Selectmen’s Budget shows a requested increase over last year’s expenditures in the amount of $33,569.19. This is the result of many factors, but mainly brought about by the increased growth of the town and the heavy snows last winter which created the necessity for a special appropriation for snow removal. The Board of Education has presented its budget requests in the amount of $856,711, and increase of $96,608 over last year’s appropriations.


Newtown schools opened Wednesday with a total enrollment of 2,175 pupils, an increase of 208, more than 10 percent, over last year’s opening day. Of the total, 1,816 are enrolled in public schools, and 360 in St Rose School.


September 4, 1936

A fatal automobile accident occurred on the Sandy Hook Berkshire road, shortly after 5 o’clock, Tuesday afternoon, when a light truck crashed into a tree on the west side of the highway as it was proceeding towards Sandy Hook. Nicola Glave, 32, Danbury, was instantly killed and Antonio Arcieri, 65, Danbury, was seriously injured. State Policemen expressed the belief that Glave had fallen asleep while driving. Both are widely known in Danbury and had been in the vegetable business for several months.


A new general grocery store has opened this week in the former Consumer’s store building in Sandy Hook. The new store will be known as Campana’s Food Store, and Mr Campana plans to make his store up-to-date. All new shelves, new counters, a new electric meat display and a complete soda fountain service have been installed.


A dance will be held at the Huntingtown Cider Mill on Sunday evening, September 6, for the benefit of the Congregation Adath Israel. A beautiful radio will be given away to the lucky person.


The public schools in town open for the fall term on Wednesday, September 9. Pupils from the Palestine district who will now attend Hawley school, are reminded that they are to be transported to the school on Mr Lewis’ bus. On Tuesday morning, there will be a teachers’ meeting, called for 10 o’clock, at the Edison school in Long Hill.


September 8, 1911

A large automobile belonging to James B. Brinsmade of Shelton broke down, Sunday night, not far from the residence of Patrick Ready. Word was telephoned to H.H. Peck for a team of horses to draw the car in. Mr Peck’s horses were in the field, and John Duncan of New Haven, who was at Mr Peck’s with a small Catacart auto offered to go up. He hitched on and started, but his engine stalled and soon Mr Duncan’s car was out of commission. Herbert W. Wright was then telephoned for and pulled both cars out.


NOTICE — My cider mill will be open to press cider every last Saturday in the month, commencing with September 30. Will also saw lumber at the same time. Joseph Macaluso, Huntingtown district, Newtown, Conn.


An important business change takes place in Newtown Street, October 1, by which the Newtown Inn, one for the most popular and successful summer hotels in Southern New England, passes by lease for a term of years into the hands of William F. Hale of Pawling, N.Y. W.A. Leonard and his mother, Mrs Laura Leonard, bought the Dick hotel property in the spring of 1887. This was burned September 8, 1897. The present Inn property was built the following year. It is a matter of congratulation and interest that Mr Leonard will continue as a resident in town.


Birdsey Parsons of Sandy Hook has purchased of W.C. Johnson the house and Mill Property at South Center and he will move there and take possession about October 1. Mr Parsons is offering his property on Gas Street, Sandy Hook, for sale. John H. Blackman of Sandy Hook has purchased the building his market is in, of Birdsey Parsons.

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